It was not so long ago when I was posting that EOS Blockchain achieved to have more tx than Bitcoin and that it is just matter of time when will EOS become leader. After only two months of functioning and with all problems at start, EOS becomes leader by far among blockchains according to .
More and more DApps are built on EOS so I can see that difference between EOS and other blockchains will just grow. If You wanna be informed about DApps on EOS, I recommend that You follow EOSIndex ( website.
Dan chains are really powerhouses in tx capacity. They are the trinity ;)
Now the other trinity is BTC,LTC and Monero. IDK about Komodo they use delayed POW aka use bitcoin hash rate to secure their own network. So Komodo is a glorified scalable Bitcoin Dapp?
However with the way the LN is growing, Blocktivity will so need to add a way to represent an estimation of LN txs.
Yes they show how many a day was done but it still a good metric.
I'll give you some examples of how the LN txs there were already:

and more of these scenarios while not as amazing as EOS is showing but LN is super new tech and is impressive.
As is why I think blocktivity need to work on a way to estimate LN txs.
EOS is amazing as is Bitcoin. (
BTC and EOS are best Cryptos out there and we shouldn't compare two of them. They don't have same purpose. BTC should be compared with currency coins and EOS should be compared with platform tokens. As currency, more important metric for me is how much value is being transferred then number of transactions. As platform token, number of transactions is more important because that way we see how many DApps are working. Probably we will have that info at in the future 😁😁😁
Apparently bunch of block are empty and just beeing process .. good talk about it there
Thank for sharing!
Wow, that when really fast. Unfortunately blockivity seems to remain unnoticed by the larger crypto community
Good job my frend
EOS ! I am still blind about it. But the crypto path is gradually changing its way, that's tru.
Ево @cicbar, да и ја представим једног „новајлију“:
Hvala. Registrovao sam se mada ne mogu da kažem da mi se baš sviđa AVINOC :-)
Нема још ни шта да ти се свиђа, @cicbar. Ово је још увек само магловито обећање. Док нема изворног кода, нема ничег. Али бар се ништа не плаћа за почетак :)
Tako je 😃 free airdrop je uvek dobrodošao 😃
Само да знаш, ово ми је Бетман подметнуо у текст ;)
A Betman je uvek u pravu pa bolje da ga slušamo 😁
@cicbar plz keep giving nice posts like above.Thanks for sharing
What a great acticle. Nice one @cicbar
Not sure if the above website is correct. I have seen other sources saying notional value of daily transactions on the btc network is closer to $1B. Admittedly I don’t know much about eos and how it works But might be interesting to explore what value is being traded behind this activity number that blockivity provides.Looking at the transaction volume without regard to the total amount traded might be misleading. The notional amount traded on the btc network seems to be 300x greater than EOS.
Of course that nominal value of BTC transactions is higher because BTC price is 1000x higher than EOS but I believe that in the future EOS will dominate at that metrics also...
Transactions on EOS are not necessarily tokens moving. Transactions on EOS could be anything as it is designed to be capable of hosting other blockchains and countless APPS on it, and handle their transaction loads as well.
Crypto/BTC is a great way. The earliest way to get rich and not just make money with crypyo is to buy BTC and hold for year or two..........
Steem is in number 3!! I didn't know the fact.Even i dont know about eos.
there are days when steem is #1
nice content dear.
I like such an informative post about cryptocurrency.
Things will only become better and better for Eos , and as more app is been integrated into the EOS blockchain , Eos will surely maintain the first position on blockchain activity chart @cicbar
EOS will be an interesting project to follow and see it grow like a big tree.
hi cicbar, i now eos, i think end of the year eos will 100-1000$, And you think?
I am not good at price prediction but I believe that EOS will be most used blockchain for DApps and price will follow that for sure.
You're too humble, I think You very well
a great work,i really useful program,trully a masterpiece my friend,@cicbar
Thats really an amazing amount of transactions lol, they broke every record and bts is still having that many transactions a day! Hopefully Steem manages to catch up soon, but the holy @dan trinity seems to be on the top of their game!
🙋🙋🙋i always follow you friend 👸please support me
Steem rank number 3
@cicbar EOS is always a good project and i am sure iy will shine more in the future.
Great info @cicbar, thanks for the link :)
cryptos are future
Very good news my freinds...
Thank for sharing
What EOS dapps are being used? I wasn't aware of any actual running apps or dapps...
Check for info about DApps