in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Blockchain in the Health Sector

Social insurance is where the day in and day out staff isn't included and the littlest mix-ups will have the best results. So it ought to be realized that the absence of the littlest information can prompt huge occasions, which can prompt the finish of human life. Ensuring the recorded data of individuals is essential, it might contain the most private data of individuals. On the off chance that this data is stolen, individuals can fall into extremely troublesome circumstances. That is the reason blockchain innovation assumes an essential part in the medicinal services segment.

With Blockchain innovation, you can securely store the most close data of your contacts. It is essential to recapture access to these safely recorded data. For instance, if access to treatment in the present framework can not be accomplished, the treatment procedure can be turned around. Blockchain innovation in the wellbeing part is an unavoidable stifle. In the next years, we would all be able to witness that this data is put away in blockchain innovation in created nations.

What is SSOT Health?

SSOT Health is a restorative stage that gathers and stores patients' wellbeing information and makes it less demanding to use later on. The venture is gone for expanding the utilization of blockchain innovations in the medicinal services industry. This innovation use shrewd contracts that give an abnormal state of security for your own information. SSOT Health expects to give an ideal answer for the social insurance industry that builds its profitability. This stage has created applications that can be utilized over all iOS and Android gadgets.

securedph is

SecuredPHR is the primary social insurance application created on the planet utilizing Blockchain innovation. Everybody has the privilege to get to their medicinal information in a protected framework. SecuredPHR is an individual wellbeing record application furnished with the iron-clad security convention bolstered by the SSOT Blockchain structure.

SecuredPHR Features

Keeps all individual therapeutic records breakthrough.

Blockchain can be incorporated with any therapeutic framework.

Clients can be approved by their watchfulness.

The level of access is controlled by patients.

The cutoff points of access level are controlled by patients.

The information can be traded in CCR design.

HIPPA/CMS is put away in a good vault.

SecuredPHR makes client accounts utilizing blockchain innovation.

securedphar Up

SecurePharma is the primary drug store application in view of Blockchain. It helps the individual, drug store, PBM, and medication producers created by the AI-based calculation to production network. It is a drug store framework in light of confirmation, modification and judgment process.

SecuredPharma's Properties

SecuredPharma evacuates the pre-provisioning process, lessens costs and enhances efficiency with a high verification arrangement that works with brilliant contracts.

SecuredPharma gives brilliant contract movement. Basic leadership administration, keen contracts, and learning of machines take out the trade off process.

SecuredPharma takes out brilliant medication driven medication supply administration, high stock and poor arrangement forms. Decrease arrangement time by 90%.


SecuredClaims is an application with Blockchain bolster and counterfeit consciousness motor, went for fathoming the complexities in the protection business. We as a whole realize that there are numerous cheats in different branches of business in the protection division. With this application, we can finish the bookkeeping exchanges and totally shield the protection information from misrepresentation.

SecuredClaims Features

Counterfeit savvy code administration, bolstered by Blockchain, evacuates the need to submit demands with the wrong codes.

The obligations of the mediator and the individual concerned are disposed of, with the goal that the cost of the administrations gave by insurance agencies is limited.

Costs acquired for the preparing of cases in insurance agencies are decreased by 65% ​​due to claims documented by brilliant contracts.

Patients may distort false data in any antagonistic occasion, in this manner evacuating false deceptions for administrations rendered.

SSOT Health has introduced a token market named SEHR which empowers this stage to work . Exchange charges as asked for by the Platform's clients SEHR will utilize the tokens.

Token Information

Token Symbol: SEE

1 SEHR = 0,03 USD

Stage: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC20

Delicate Cap: 2.5 million Usd

Hardcap: 15 million Usd

Add up to Supply: 1,000,000,000

KYC: Yes

Token Distribution

% half Share Sale

% 18% Share of Founders


% Community 9

% Development of the establishment 3% is held for costs.



Stage 1 of 2018: Platform improvement, showcasing effort and pre-deal.

Stage 2 of 2018: Integration of utilizations into healing facility frameworks, SEHR Token entering high volume securities exchange.

2018 Phase 3: Introduction of the SSOT Pharmacy Blockchain Framework.

2019 Phase 1: Introducing the SSOT Health Insurance Claims Blockchain Framework.

Stage 2 of 2019: Open source code programming for the best EHR application.

2019 Phase 3: Introducing the SSOT Health Insurance Claims Blockchain Framework.

2020 Phase 1: Global Identification (GPID) of the SSOT Healt Implementation and any workable EHR module.

SSOT Health venture points of interest:

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• BitcoinTalk (Forum Thread):

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