in #cryptocurrency5 years ago


Thing Stage and Roadmap

A model of the Min language compiler has as of late been made, posted on the GitHub.

A model show has been made. It produces shards, exchanges pushing toward exchanges and achieves accord utilizing the BFT tally. Testing was composed on 10K straightforwardness Amazon Web Services masterminded in 8 cloud spaces on 3 domains so as to test the real system latency. 30% of exchanges are cross-orchestrate and every shard contains 400 focuses. This methodology guarantees an unusual state of security, paying little regard to whether 25% of every single focus point work destructively. Every single focus point have 1 processor, 1 GB of RAM and around 700 MB/S of symmetrical transmission limit. A test game plan of 10K focus focuses and 25 shards achieved a speed of 10184 exchanges for reliably. Those. Concordance structuring shows predominant in true conditions. With progressively focus focuses, execution ought to be higher.

The guide isn't minimum necessity, before the present year's over they hope to dispatch a testnet. For the reasons behind 2019, there is the dispatch of a part association for budgetary affiliations, scaling to 100K focuses, 100K tx/sec and a second deferral. It isn't clear when they intend to achieve a speed of 1 million tx/sec

Social event

Stephen Tse, Founder. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tsestephen/

Stephen filled in as an ace at Microsoft's examination division, as a senior modeler at Google, and as a central fashioner at Apple. He set up the startup Spotsetter, which built up a reduced web crawler. Spotsetter drew $ 1.3M of theory on a seed round and was later purchased by Apple in 2014. He holds a doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Security shows and compiler check.

Nicolas Burtey, Co-facilitator/COO. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolasburtey/

Has a multi year accreditation in number juggling and programming building, comparatively as propelled instruction in computational photography. He began as a free picture taker and maker of virtual visits. By then he developed the affiliation Orah, which makes and sells programming for making video content in the field of broadened reality.

Alok Kothari, Co-Founder. https://www.linkedin.com/in/alokkothari/

He continued forward from Carnegie Melon University with propelled training in programming structuring. Beginning there forward, 3 years he worked at Machine Learning Engineer at Apple, where he was occupied with the progress of language insistence figurings for Siri

Rongjian Lan, Co-Founder. https://www.linkedin.com/in/rongjian-lan-6548013b/

Holds a multi year school preparing from Beijing University of Science and Technology and propelled training from the University of Maryland with a degree in programming structuring. 4 years worked Software engineer in Google. Since February, he has been co-seat of the ABC Blockchain Foundation, a non-advantage association that advances blockchain improvement.

Out of the blue, Harmony will be the assistance and associate of the Blockchain Awakens hackathon, which is made by the ABC Blockchain Foundation on August 4-5 in San Mateo. Other welcomed visitors combine Dawn Song, a teacher at Carnegie Melon and Berkeley Universities and cryptography pro at Whitfield Diffie

Hakwan Lau, the position and level of responsibilities in Harmony isn't portrayed.

Acting instructor at UCLA, having some ability in neural systems and AI. He continued ahead from Oxford, was an assistant educator at Columbia University and has more than 90 arrangements in reasonable diaries.

Three extra accomplices are connected with the undertaking at low help. Extremely solid truly aces with relationship in IBM, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba Cloud

Lead a working strategy of authorities. Each article on Medium consummations with an affiliation inciting a page on the site with conditions. A sum of 11 openings are open, of which 5 are fashioners - 3 structure modelers and 2 engineer blockchains.

The social occasion is solid really, with a wealth of consideration in the fields of AI, AI, blockchain, expanded reality and compilers. About everybody has a Senior Engineer position in various affiliations. There are deficient marketing specialists, tellers and advertisers, in any case openings are available to these positions and I am certain that they won't be open for long.


Zi Wang. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ziwang0315/

Worked with Google from 2006 to 2015 on Chrome, Google [X], Android and Nexus things. He was the fundamental worldwide imaginative leader of Google's apparatus divisions and one of the makers of Google's $ 20 million research lab. He set up Quantum Bakery, a startup working together with Google, Corning and Toyota, in the improvement of purchaser things with man-made mental capacity. He has a multi year school guidance in programming planning and propelled instruction in cash related edges.

Isaac Zhang. http://www.locision.com/en/group 2/

CTO, Co-Founder startup Locision - cloud answers for associations to develop viability, favorable position and overhaul internal techniques.

Doctorate in Computer Engineering from the University of Nottingham. He has two or three licenses in the field of AI and adaptable selecting.

Aaron Li. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronqli/

Maker, CEO of Qokka - things in the field of AI, AI and blockchain.

Moved to the United States on the Einstein Green Card, which is issued to specialists with astonishing breaking points. He holds a Masters underwriting from Carnegie Melon University with a degree in Language Technology.

Navneet Singh. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronqli/detail/treasury/rundown/?entityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_treasuryMedia%3A (ACoAAAtcX4cBIGsgZ6zT5qtckmxlYegGvNcA9JY 2C1521696771194%) and locale = format and treasuryCount = 8

In a Google drove get-together of 27 for a long time engineers who were occupied with advancement in the field of conservative applications and versatile solicitation. He was correspondingly the senior VP of WorldPay, the best bit processor, and the head of Data Science at Ezetap, a versatile part supplier.

He continued ahead from MIT with a lone individual's and propelled instruction in programming building.

Michael Young. https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaeleyoung/

In the record of the establishment of the three affiliations, which were thusly gotten by more prominent ones. He has commitment in making manages relationship from the Fortune 500 tons US Department of Defense. Master and Ph.D. Stanford in Electrical Engineering

There are no stars in the Advisors, yet all with dazzling direction and consideration in sweeping affiliations, likewise as commitment in structure up affiliations. Unfortunately, none of the counsels on the LinkedIn profile have a Harmony

experience. The undertaking has no partners yet.

Geniuses with blockchain experience are open both in the Team and in the Advisors, in any case it shows up they are inadequate. Potentially getting this, the social occasion is driving such a working selection.


Beginning late, a $ 18 million was brought up in a seed round, wellsprings of financing are not revealed. There are no designs for crowdfunding right now and in like manner there is no waisting. Notwithstanding, it makes the feeling that the game plan is so far conceivable. In the assignments proposed in the opportunity of an embellishment in corporate improvement, private course of action and last game plan are referenced with a yet dubious hardcap. Some time prior there was data about a hardcap of $ 30 million for 20% of tokens per deal, in any case the social event does not remark on this information. Additionally in the vital sort of the VI was the going with data:

This proposes about 8% of obviously the amount of tokens will more then likely quickly deal on the trade. Furthermore, these are tokens that were not gotten, in any case fundamentally distributed by the endeavor for themselves. In the most recent modification of the VI this data is never again open. Conceivably it will be reexamined. We will carefully consider the token estimations when they are honestly passed on.


The errand has a station in Telegram with 10 + K supporters. The channel was set up on July twentieth. It isn't get how they comprehends how to get such incalculable so rapidly. It is past the space of imaginative capacity to plan to get to know this in the Telegram, the station is shut for correspondence, they are basically quickly hence destroyed. Which is truly abnormal, in light of the path that There is another channel Announcements.

The undertaking has another channel on Medium, where articles are routinely posted about basic changes in the undertaking.

Structure The

attributes of the

Blockchain experience are in themselves promising subjects. Inconceivably commanding targets.

Utilize existing degrees of progress: OmniLedger, Google User Datagram Protocol and others.

An astoundingly solid social affair and specialists. Dynamic enlistment and massive structures for expanding the social affair

Reasonably spent a sid-round and gathered $ 18 million

Exceptional test results of the show

The feeble explanations behind the

Blockchain experience are over the top test here.

Padded and foggy guide

Uninformative and seriously organized site

Not the best token estimations that need affirmation.

We passed on a rigid check of 85% to Harmony, which incorporates

Thing - 88%

Social event/Advisors - 93%

Tokenomics - 74%

This check might be rethought after the dispersal of affirmed token estimations or some other new data.

Right now, we trust Harmony is an extraordinarily consoling errand and we will anxiously screen movements.



steemit user: bonikka

link- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1348019
username- 1crypwaru