great article.
First sounds like FOMO usual behaviour.
then like you HODL long enough to achieve financial independence.
then you get to the core of blockchain technology =) like 100.
I also believe that we still have not come through to the mainstream with crypto currencies or smart money as some people here like to call it.
This being just one group of blockchain based applications.
Land registry, voting, automated contracts for insurance, buying, selling, etc.
This is all in a stage like the internet itself in 1993.
One of the most remarkable comments by another author of a blockchain book "The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next ..."
by William Mougayar: Today we have around 9m Java developers worldwide. Before the internet = 0.
Today we have around 10k blockchain developers max worldwide. In 10+ years the demand will be +1m! maybe reach the same level as Java?!
let's shape this future together =)
yep. was watching can't recall if it was Mougayar or Antonopolous I was watching the other day that this comparison was made. 'tis still early in the game...