
Seems you might appreciate words put into your mouth as your time is too precious to actually explain things to concerned customers - like, why they would pay $2.75 for one bit$, just to have "more security."

Upvoting your own posts is of course quite in the style of steemit, where egalitarian whales rule with highly convincing "steem power."

You're proving my arguments in such a concise manner that potential customers will hopefully now better understand the risks involved, though they'll certainly keep asking themselves what the actual benefits are supposed to be - as the salesmen prefer to not mention the subject.

Texas authorities have just taken the first step to inhibit the growth of Arise Bank, a bitshares partner. I've been watching bitshares since I started being interested in crypto, and I've seen this coming up.

It's complicated, they are not just letting us put our money on decentralized exchanges anonymously. Too good to be true.

Seriously go read what collateralized asset are before saying stupid stuff., you are embarasing yourself. AriseBank was not a bitshares partner. They wanted to use Bitshares for their tech.