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RE: What if Cryptocurrencies reach 1% of the total Capital Markets?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I read the article from Moas, and your article. Cryptos are the new "IT" thing in the financial markets. If you understand the power of the blockchain, you also know that it is "an idea who's time has come." Not to mention this fact: we still don't know about all of the potential creative uses for this technology will even be, yet. So, I think that estimates of 1% to 5% of total market capitalization is not only "conservative," it's way low. Personally, I would not be surprised to see blockchain technology being used to transact 1/4 to 1/3, or more, of world-wide transactions sometime in the next 5 - 10 years. Possibly a little longer. Whatever the case, whatever the total market share eventually ends up being, I do know this: right now cryptos are VERY, VERY, VERY UNDERVALUED. Anybody who buys 10 of the top 20 cryptos, then waits 10 years, is going to retire in unimaginable style - if they live to see 10 years.