
No, of course not. You get paid by Storj.

Okay I understand. Because they said, I have to submit a ETH- adress. So I insert my ETH adress. Is that incorrect? But even I only earn some little STORJ coints, I am in "the game" perfect. Also one could rent also some very little space. For example you mine and got 120gb ssd in your miner rig, you can set up 100GB for each one without loosing money (if you have enought internet connectivity) and you just collect your STORJ coins. Overtime they also increase their value and you allready have the coins for just setup the space one time.

Did you tried Sia - one has to invest 2.000 SC in front. So I didnt testet it yet.

May download/ upload (without paying 80- 100$ additionally) isnt the fasted, I think my STORJ stuck a little bit. But maybe I can try to connect a test server on a gateway and see, how much it pays after for example 6- 12 month. And if there is a difference to lower internet connectivity.

I did not try renting my HD to storj. I only invest in the coin.
However, I know that storj is an erc20 coin, which means that you store your storj coins in an Ether wallet like MyEtherWallet.

Is there something like a dashboard beside the STORJ programm to see, how much you earned, how much they transfered etc.?

I found as a STORJ wallet. But didnt understand the STORJ wallet system. Where to open it.