
Thanks. Yea sorry I haven't been commenting on your posts as much. Been busy in real life and on Steemit trying to help others but I'm around.

As far as advice, can get more simple than to buy low and sell high. Times like now, don't panic if you're HODL-ing. Just keep HODL-ing and wait for when the price comes back up. Might be quick or might take weeks or even months. I like to look at it like this, when the markets are down, coins are on "SALE."

Good input man, the last line for sure.

Well, what is gonna happen on Aug. 1st w the BTC scaling drop dead solution date????


not trading advice LOL, saying it so you don't have to LOL

Oh I thought you were asking trading advice earlier lol.

Not too sure about the BTC scaling. Last I checked into it, a lot of miners were for segwit2x but just have to wait and see through the testing phase. If there's a bad bug in the code then we'll continue to have the scaling issues until there can be a consensus on a scaling solution.

I was but I always love hearing anything from you!

I cannot get off my blog as much anymore, I am sorry my friend. I have just started saying that to people this last week, which I hate to do.

Btw that and other life stuff, I am kinda failing most days it feels LOL but I am doing my best.

Your doing good buddy. Better than me anyway :P