Did you HODL?? Or SODL?? LOL | E.6 | What was your Week in Crypto like? Community Engagement Series.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

We are seeing unprecedented growth in the entire Crypto Currency space, not just in Bitcoin.

Are you HODLing everything? SODL some? Moved profits into one place or another?

What's your take on things here? Share your experiences with us and we can all laugh, learn, help one another.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

HODL Img. sourced from the LEGENDARY thread where the term HODL was first..... coined - LOL. - BitcoinTalk.org

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

I've been holding my eth and btc, just because i have literally no money invested in what i have, just remnants from cashing out at the end of may. if had more invested, i would have likely sodl.

My vote there will help your rep a bit, you will be at 30 in no time and then 50!!

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

many thanks! yes, i always crawl the comments, there's "gold in them thar hills"



Thanks for dropping by, you MAY like some of my other posts if you find time to visit my blog, just scan down the page and few posts!!!

Have a nice week

UV for the new guy, welcome!

thank you!

Fair enough, I see you are new here!!!!

yes, and learning more everyday :)

I started buying back around 2600 and I'm hodling. I still have my trading BTC. I really thinned out my portfolio and sold a nice chunk of most of the positions I had. Hoping for a market wide retracement in altcoins so I can start buying back. HODLing LTC, PIVX, SIB, OKcash, BATA, ETC, XRP, Stellar, STRAT .... Buying ARK, coval... Call me crazy but I've been accumulating START. For some higher risk low market cap coins I've been accumulating NOBT, and Coinonat. Also been doing a lot of trading in the LTC markets with CAGE, BUN, MEOW and a few others taking advantage of the volatility and earning more LTC.

UV this for you, still at low power here LOL, recovery like the market hahaha!!!

Great reply, hence the vote for ya.

Towards the end there - 4th last line, did you mean to type STRAT - aka Stratis again???

No, I've been accumulating START. Just got a feeling. A lot of people bought in, and a lot of people are hodling some decent sized positions. There's still some trade volume there :


If the START community gets behind this coin, and someone actually gets startjoin.com back to what it should be, I think there could be a considerable rise. I wouldn't suggest anyone follow me into this madness, or invest their lifesaving here or into any coin for that matter. Just saying it is a coin I'm accumulating and hodling.

I have a small section (about 15%) of my portfolio that are really high risk coins. If 1 out 10 of them shows a serious gain, it covers the whole lot and then some usually.

I love listening to you preach your ideas -- I always have, apart from you being nice and friendly.

I usually say I hope others are reading the gold in the comments along the way when I see quality comments.......like this from you again.

Have a good week man!!

Thanks man! You too:)

I'm HODLing and even BIYNg!

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

LOL... solid......


I was hanging on for the ride. Then Antshares and Ubiq went super low and I sold ALL MY ETH and went 60/40 between the two. Ant Shares at under $5?! Triple Digits here we come! Still hodling Strat, Sia, and LBRY. Did I mention I love verge and what it's doing with TOR? 85 satoshi?! Yum Yum Give Me Some. Been researching ICONOMI TOO. A cryptocurrency Index fund. Hmm and It's only on one trading platform right now. It could be time to gobble gobble gobble that too...but then will I have any more dough left for InsureX. That will be the Q this week. InsureX or ICONOMI or 50/50? Choices Choices. Decisions Decisions.

That is a total HQ reply!!!

UV that comment for you as I head out to dinner in a few mins with someone.

I put up a funny cockatoo visit post today if you like that stuff.


  • I SODL Waves
  • HODL/ADDL more Steem and Ether
  • HODL Strat, Factom, BTC

Great detailed reply, I love it!!!!

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

I am heading AFK for a bit with a headache again, please talk amongst yourselves, I will be back later Steemit family!!

Headaches suck! Hope your feeling better soon..

Thanks man, you and me, we will always be tight on here like the margins we trade in LOL

Thanks brother, I can barely get off my own blog most days, sorry for that.

Hi, if you are new to crypto i sincerely think you should use telegram


they Provide Free Cryptocurrency Trading Signals for Pumps on a regular basis. just join group and follow and reap rewards for consistent profit

This is not a boiler room.

Be Relentless

now Barry, I hope your taking you nascent iodine.

Sadly no but I keep thinking about it.

@saramiller reminds people of this all the time, she's a beaut.

Steem will be back again...we are gone be a top ten for sure.

We have been in the top 10 lots LOL!!!


CoinmarketCap.com !!


I am holding and buying some,,good one.

Dont forget to check out my post for a link to collect free crypto..a once in a life time opportunity.

I've been HODLing STR (lumens) and holeee sheeeit did it dive! Well, I guess I'll have to hold on for a lot longer. As my parents used to say comese-comesa!

I nearly spit out a mouthful of peanuts there readin that Mere LOL


I cannot get off my blog as much anymore, I am sorry my friend. I have just started saying that to people this last week, which I hate to do.

Btw that and other life stuff, I am kinda failing most days it feels LOL but I am doing my best.


I know you give me grace but to hear from you is still one of my fav. things on here.

I hope you will check out my autism related post I did today before I had to tackle months of house cleaning that I had to put off, everything is just so hard for me now.

Have a nice week My friend

hodl gang baby, wait to sell in 5-6 years when this market is worth more than the stock market!

Nice!!! --

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

very good. thank you...

well, I wanted to get started in this business since I strongyl believe in the power of the blockchain technology... and I myself am sure this is a extremly lucrative sector, but since I am not 18 I am not able to buy bitcoins on my own, and my parents think that buying crypto currencies is basically gambling....

do you have any advice how I can convince them of the opposite?
thanks in advance :)

Not to undermine your parents but I started trading with my dogecoin faucet earnings. Wish we had steemit then. Just write a few articles, cash in some steem earnings and start trading. I wouldn't consider it gambling anymore than the stock market is, but there is risk. Just have fun with it! Best of luck to you :)

Wow, that is good stuff my man.

The fact you are here is already volumes ahead of where most people are, no matter the age.

Go to CoinMarketCap.com - Look at the top of the page and show them the $100+B market cap, does that look like nothing to them now??

And then ask them what is the best performing currency used to exchange goods etc in the world and then when they cannot answer that, show them the stats that prove and show that Bitcoin is, since many don't know.

You will learn a lot here man!

Stay in touch.

Okay, I will definetely try that out! Thank you for your support and advice, I really hope it'll work out :)

Hostage negotiation with lightsabers. Hodling is strong in this one.

I like that reply! So will @hanshotfirst

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

Be a time traveler. I re-write a lot of my comments over and over; until, I am ok with how they turned out. I’m not really a blogger, so I lurk in the comment sections like the Loch Ness Monster!

Holy crap, you are on file.

You have really been great on here since you started, I know I have said it before but still!

I am holding! Always waiting to see what tomorrow brings. When I can see some good profits THEN I SELL! :-)

Ralph, that can be good at times, what else can you tell us???

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

Thanks Barry! Here goes:

My main strategy, as a newbie, is to invest in coins that I have done some research in and have long term confidence in. That way, when a short term drop like I believe we are seeing now happens, I am less likely to panic and sell thinking that the sky is falling. Instead I just sit on my hands and wait it out. Of course I also believe in listening to smarter more seasoned traders whom I trust, and if they say that in their opinion it is a good time to sell and take profit, I give that advice serious weight. But overall, if I'm holding the right kind of coins, I find short term drops can be ridden out with few worries.

I hope people read those comments.


Pun? Maybe! LOL

Great stuff! Many thanks for stopping back here.

HODLing everything!


I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

I've actually met Gerrard Butler in a bar few years ago...upvoted

Definitely HODL

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

I HODL a few and SODL a few. Just how it goes with the ups and downs of trading :P


I love hearing from you, I have missed it!!!!!! Ahhhhh, there is nothing like a solid comment from a long time Steemian person I respect!!

I like that reply!

Any advice to people / noobs that need help and read thru comments, because they ARE GOLD????

How are you doing anyways????

Good I hope!!!!!

I enjoy hearing from you, sorry I cannot hardly get off my own blog anymore most days!!!!!

Thanks. Yea sorry I haven't been commenting on your posts as much. Been busy in real life and on Steemit trying to help others but I'm around.

As far as advice, can get more simple than to buy low and sell high. Times like now, don't panic if you're HODL-ing. Just keep HODL-ing and wait for when the price comes back up. Might be quick or might take weeks or even months. I like to look at it like this, when the markets are down, coins are on "SALE."

Good input man, the last line for sure.

Well, what is gonna happen on Aug. 1st w the BTC scaling drop dead solution date????


not trading advice LOL, saying it so you don't have to LOL

Oh I thought you were asking trading advice earlier lol.

Not too sure about the BTC scaling. Last I checked into it, a lot of miners were for segwit2x but just have to wait and see through the testing phase. If there's a bad bug in the code then we'll continue to have the scaling issues until there can be a consensus on a scaling solution.

I was but I always love hearing anything from you!

I cannot get off my blog as much anymore, I am sorry my friend. I have just started saying that to people this last week, which I hate to do.

Btw that and other life stuff, I am kinda failing most days it feels LOL but I am doing my best.

Your doing good buddy. Better than me anyway :P

I am heading AFK for a bit with a headache again, please talk amongst yourselves, I will be back later

From my Fascistbook page one year ago today, about a month before I joined the Steemit!!!


I have bought some ETH and BTC and steem yesterday..I go for buy and hold

I have some BTC,XRP,STR,NEM,UBIQ and ARK. I didn't sell anything.
I will consider buying more BTC if it crash to 2.2K

Solid reply today by our resident Steemian.

See what I did there, I made a Dr. joke!!!


Im holding on for dear life... ahaha and ill be picking up more tomorrow while the getting is good. Just waiting for the next tares to laugh at all the recent naysayers . Their non gains will be our gains. Steem & crypto on.

Amen to this --- I hope you get some rest this week too buddy.

TY for all the support.

When coins are memes instead. Market Speculation High.