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RE: Are Most Cryptocurrencies Doomed to Collapse — because they’re “ICO-issued”?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I already explained why I think the image is appropriate.

I agree that 9/11 was a horrific event (I still remember it viscerally), and I think we should continue to remember it so that we remain sufficiently enraged at the bastards who did it, because they are probably the same bastards who are driving us towards world war again.

Since when does appeasing the emotions or values of others have anything to do with factual presentation.

Please do not try to brow beat me with your values. I have my own values. You are free to write your own blogs. And to associate with those who share your values.

Your feedback is accepted, but I would prefer if you had posted as reply to the comment I had already made on this issue.

brilliant as it may be

I’m not ignoring your compliment. It’s just that I don’t think people should be so emotional. We need to be more focused on manly attitudes. The political correctness and emasculation in our society is indicative of failure.


"We need to be more focused on manly attitudes." Well, well, well. I was reading your material when it crossed my mind that intellect and personality are entertwined for a reason: one makes the other more pallatable. I was reaching a point in my reading where how you interact with other humans was louder to me than your written thoughts. And, then, I came across your belief that we need to be more focused on"manly" attitudes. Hey ho... and off we go.. says this female who is not happy about PC behaviors but certainly does desire respect for whatever the hell her female attitudes are... manly attitudes? Good grief. You go ahead and have fun building up your sense of self-significance, while making others feel insignficant. Such a wonderful gain.
