First and foremost BITCOIN of course
Bitcoin started in 2008. Today the price of 1 BTC is around 14,200 dollars while i'm making this post. I've reasearched somewhat and came in on some post about the future price of bitcoin and some guy said it will be around 100 000$ by the end of 2018. So do we believe this guy or not?! Apparently he also predicted this last surge in the price of bitcoin. So do we invest or not, again everyone needs to work this forthemselves, but don't wait too much the price can change overnight.
Second one is Ripple
Ripple is a cryptocurrency that enables payments crossborder instantly. Not like we have in most banks with the transaction taking a few days with all kinds of fees. No, payments through ripple are made instantly. While I'm writing this ripple is worth around 1$. By the end of 2018 it's expected to be around 2$ or more. Now what do you think? Should we invest in ripple? Will most of the banks in the future use ripple's app for cross border payments? Decide for yourselves.
Third is Ethereum
Ethereum is a decentralized platform like the internet was supposed to be. 1ETH was around 10$ in january this year, now it's worth is around 752 $. Predictions by the end of 2018 say it will reach 1000$ and beyond, with some saying it will be worth 5000$. So what do you think should we invest in ethereum or not?
Fourth is Dash
Dash , digital money you can spend everywhere.Today 1Dash is worth 1170$, but some say in 5 years it will reach 5000$. So should you invest in Dash? What do you think?
The Fifth one is Paragon(my personal favorite)
Why is this my favorite? Well, simple reason,it's got weed or will have in the future. On the paragon site you will be able to purchase their weed legally using their blockchain. Who wouldn't want that?Now imagine if in most countries marijuana gets legalized and they are the only ones with the blockchain to purchase weed like that.Their price would probably go up then.But check their site for yourself and see is it worth.Today 1PRG is worth 0.6$. I think it's worth investing in.
Drop your comments below and tell me what do you think?!!!!

Sorry for the bad news.
All crypto trades are taxable events in US 2018
Merry Christmas
I have high hopes for Ethereum this year. It was said that an early version of Casper should be out in summer of 2018. This will be huge for Ethereum!
Also look into Stellar (XLM). They are working heavily with IBM and the Blockchain division CTO did an AMA on Reddit where he hinted at a big first half of 2018 :)
in the following order it's promising :
Safe Exchange Coin (SAFEX)
thanks for bringing these to my attention
I never thought much about it myself , but when reading comments about Canada's upcoming legalization there were numerous people who said they don't carry cash but don't want weed purchases on their bank statements either. Valid concern those border cops at the USA border could deny you entry if you are a pot head and they view your bank records. This is a great little spot for weed crypto. Plus you buy some and hold it for 6 months and it doubles and that is free weed.
Agreed with first four
I agree with all four!