Nice bank helping customers not get into debt by banning evil cryptocurrency purchases.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

"We're helping!!!" squarks bank, whilst hoping you'll forget their criminal manipulation, fraud and deliberate deceit.

rich poor lloyds.jpg

According to the London Evening Standard, one of the worlds biggest economic mafia cartels, the venerable Lloyds Banking Group has decided that you cannot be trusted with your own money, so it's decided to ban credit card transactions where cryptocurrency purchases are involved.

This is, obviously, because Bitcoin and it's smaller cousins the altcoins are evil incarnate, and ordinary people need help to stop buying demonic digital money, and should instead focus on good old fashioned quantatively eased, junk-bonds issued by helpful private bankers as instruments of eternal debt and slavery that can never be repaid.

Like taking away a heroin addicts "skag" and replacing it with a tincture of St Johns Wart and Olbas oil, the lovely nice smiley people at the bank are doing us all a great service by preventing their customers from being suckered by having the freedom to spend their money exactly how they wish.

It's worth noting of course that the London Evening Standard who broke the story today are headed by one George Osbourne, the former Bullingdon boy Chancellor of the Exchequer, who presided over one of the biggest public money grabs ever.
Since he has taken over at the newspaper (and I do use the term NEWS loosely, in the same way as Adolf Eichmann might talk about facts), almost every story this nasty little rag has published relating to (mainly) Bitcoin has proselytized that cryptocurrencies are the spawn of Satan, and we should all just go out and get a nice bank loan instead, amortizing our future with lovely central bank issued inflationary shit-bonds to ensure our grandchildren are guaranteed to spend their entire lives in perpetual servitude and debt-slavery. Super!

"Santimonious, Deceitful and Duplicitous set of cunts"

It's also worth pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of this action by a bank who in the last few years have been found rigging and manipulating the markets, ripping off customers, stealing billions from the British taxpayer (without their consent I might add), investing vast amounts into the Arms trade, corporate tax evasion and supporting dictators and regimes with dubious human rights records. Lovely folk with exceptional morals!

In short, they have a record of integrity on a par with Attila the Hun, and therefore should absolutely be trusted to make decisions about how you choose to conduct your business.


Imagine for a moment that you knew someone who could make money magically appear out of thin air, imaginary money which they loaned to people at whopping great amounts of interest, who got caught for being a bunch of financial criminals who repeatedly did dodgy underhand things, and then went cap in hand to the government for 20 Billion quid of taxpayers money because they'd managed to squander and thieve it all. Wouldn't that be EXACTLY the sort of person you'd trust to run your investments for you, and give them power of attorney over what you could and couldn't spend your money on? Hmmm. Now let me think.....

Basically everyone, listen up.... When a company with such a magnificent record of positivity, incorruptability and honesty says that it's looking after your financial wellbeing by stopping you buying cryptocurrencies, we should all pay attention.

Crypto is evil. Fiat is best. Repeat 100 times, and then go back to work, there is nothing to see here....

Thanks to the STEEM blockchain, this post will last forever. Nobody can censor it, nobody can go crying to Google or Facebook to take it down. Freedom of expression is our fundamental universal right, even if you don't like what is being said.

Link to article by the London Evening Standard:

good post
thanx for sharing

You are right @anarcotech today not even banks are trustworthy

Banks have never been trustworthy.

I'd rather put my head in a tigers jaws than trust a banker with a single red cent!!!

They like to enslave. They know when people don't have access to money then they come running to them to get loan which is always at steep interest rates. You are absolutely right sir. Your hard work is paying off sir. Thank you for all you do.

Really good post! I look forward to reading more of your steemit posts!

U r right. The fact cannot be denied.

What exactly is the business of the bank? It doesn't help people make money so why tell them how to spend it?
They can only try but can't stop investors from putting their money in cryptocurrencies.

Business of the bank is to impoverish and enslave.

I would argue you are putting the banks in far too good a light, with your post, sir!

First of all, I agree completely with your assessment in that banks are not what they are supposed to be and have been manipulating a lot of things and have shady deals going on. The concept as such is not that bad though


In your whole post there is one thing that cannot be tolerated:

Atilla did not deserve this

In short, they have a record of integrity on a par with Attila the Hun, and therefore should absolutely be trusted to make decisions about how you choose to conduct your business.

Sorry, you're right. Compared to the bankers, Atilla was a fucking boy scout.

I know they wouldn't support because they gain from people lending and the rate people lends nowadays has reduce because crypto is now in town
Thanks sir,you are so good

My savior!!

Forking hell you use some interesting language!!

Forexample: the verb PROSELYTIZED
proselytized (past tense) · proselytized (past participle)
convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another:

In theory, investors can still use their debit cards. So will the markets just hurry up and recover now. Please. Thanks

Yes, but you know I am a verbose fan of over-articulating. Like Jacob Rees Mogg, but not a complete cunt.

You're saving lives cos of this posts. Thank you

Awww. man. That feels good. Thanks!!!

I never liked the idea of having someone keep my money (a representation of my economic value) and decide when and how I access it, and charge me for it (stealing my economic value).

I guess once your eyes open up, you'll never be the same.

Loved the article. Truth that cannot be erased or silenced!

This is madness, can't just understand it, how can they prevent me from using my money, this is slavery, madness......... crypto is just the way out........ Soon the banks will be empty

I would love the banks to be empty, right now. Unfortunately people don't realise there is another way. The sooner they are gone the better for the whole of humanity.

Thats the truth, the banks are the thieves, they take their money and use it as they like and also use your money to enslave them