Indian gov also said that Bitcoin is a ponzi like scheme.they said that all crypto coins ponzi and warn people."The government said VC transactions are encrypted and are likely being used for terror-funding, smuggling, drug trafficking and money laundering".google search or Read full article
So sure bitcoin and other crypto soon crash
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@aman2017 yes thats the reason of the crash of bitcoin because most of governments are thinking to bring the alternate of bitcoin
i like those people who upvoted after got upvote.never forget them.And want to add them in my follower list.So when you post tell me.Always upvoted you brother.
thanks dear i have already followed you
The Indian government said... why does that matter? Crypto is non-centralized. You are trying to scare people from the markets and to stay with fiat currency. It is not going to work, Crypo is not going to crash.
@libertyboy yes bro Crypto is not going to crash but it will fallen down