currently at 19:45 pm, many crypto that has increase and decrease when compared with yesterday.
like BTC (Bitcoin) has increase from Rp. 244.698.000 to Rp. 248.002.000, but Bitcoin has increase maximum to Rp. 251.499.000 and decrease maximum to Rp. 238.500.000 or + 1.1%.
Taday Currently there are many increase is ETHEREUM to +7.7 % (Rp. 14.928.000 to Rp. 15.924.000) from yesterday.
and crypto that decreased a lot is LITECOIN to -5.2% (Rp. 4.458.627 to Rp. 4.195.000) from yesterday.
NXT still at a low price after has a snapshot on December 28, 2017, from Rp. 35.000 to right now Rp. 8.245 although IGNIS is the airdrop of NXT since the opening of the market in VIP.BITCOIN.CO.ID has decrease from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 14.211. far from the predicted price of Rp. 180,000.
For Market BTC to All Crypto there is a awesome for DOGECOIN has increase to 99 Satosi for today, it's a new record for dogecoin in this week.
thank you.
You can use this site to predict prices:
ok nice
Have tried to express very well...............................

nice sharing. Thanks @alexandry92
are your stocks growing in bitcoin ascending or descending?@alexandrya92
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