Look here because of the cryptocurrency market collapsed in these last days.

As we all know the cryptocurrency market has suffered a very drastic fall in recent days devalued almost 30% which is very worrying for all those who had their investments in this market.

In my personal opinion, all this fall in the market is due to the fact that the three main countries with the largest cryptocurrency market have decided to regulate, legislate and monitor the cryptocurrency market. The first country to do so was South Korea, which is the third country with the largest cryptocurrency market in the world, below the United States and Japan, this decision has undoubtedly been the most influential in the fall in the prices of cryptocurrencies since the main attraction of the same is that they are managed through a decentralized market and from one moment to another they threaten to change it.

In my personal opinion and as a person may be shod, the cryptocurrencies if they need to be monitored as there will be many and I include that we use the market in a good way, whether to trade or to keep our capital safe. The vast majority of investors use it to: Control and make payments on the black market, launder money, among other activities that need to be monitored.

But I also believe that the cryptocurrency market will overcome all this and its prices will be restored after setting the rules to follow.

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Que buen post Hermano voto por voto saludos

Muchas gracias.