
Well said

I injoy your digressions :) you got a good mind on you brother...good thoughts real thoughts that I relate to hope you keep it up inJoy your holydays.......

Thank you Fuma!!! ✊🏿 I appreciate the response!! It's been kinda sparce lately. I attribute it to me being gone so long.

giving thanks brother....but brother please...its uma.....not fuma...u trying to make me cry? :)

LOL yea I knew that. to much Egg nog lol

Great Vlog my dude...

I actually think we should all start vlogging. SBD may be down but the payouts are still off. I think once SMT come out it's going to be a whole new ball game.

The only one of these I've really heard of is SiaCoin. A lot of people seem to be into Cardano as well but I don't know enough about it... ug I have so much research to do.

Everyone talks about SiaCoin, but what about Storj and Filecoin? They all seem to be doing the same thing. Do you think this kind of redundant competition is bad?

Well Filecoin isn't going to come out for another year. I haven't done enough research on Storj. I'm going to do a article on ADA. I did one when it first came out. It's an awesome coin!!!

So dumb question. How do I buy into these? Do you have a process or guidance? That would’ve awesome!

Also on my footer click on Binance and create an account.

Go here:
If you use that link we both get a free $10. Or better yet get a link from @alao so he get's the $10, not me.
From there you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin cash. Once you have one of these coins it's very easy to transfer money around with an exchange like

Also, once you get a Coinbase account I strongly recommend using GDAX instead of coinbase. They are linked to each other. Coinbase if for noobs. GDAX looks scary but its fees are way lower.

Thanks for the updates

So pretty much what @edicted. Bittrex isn't allowing new accounts so you should get on binance or poloniex.

keep it up..and what do you want to do..just do..

Wow! that's a great news of crypto currency .
giphy-downsized (38).gif

wonderful post friend,unbelievable crypto currncy news.
Thank for share and
"Merry christmas"