An open letter of thanks to central bankers for creating the world's shittiest currencies

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I know, I know. "Aggroed, why are you thanking these people for anything? They're literally ruining everything they touch, they are a 'Den of Vipers' and some evil human beings. They created a system that isn't actually broken, but working extremely well to funnel wealth from poor people to the very same bankers you're thanking... What's wrong with you?"

First off, it's a back handed compliment

To be clear I hate bankers. These people suck. I don't mean bank tellers, and the poor dopes that have to sell you mortgages. They're just people... but the assholes in charge of this system are amazingly horrible people. Their primary business is war profiteering and their major export is poverty and political servitude/bribery.


If you can read this your life is benefiting from their shittiness. That's right! The fact that the government currencies are so bad is part of what's fueling the rise of cryptocurrencies.

You know how long it takes my bank to clear a check? Days...

You know how long it takes crypto to clear? Hours... unless you're Steem and then it's 3 seconds.

What about inflation?

If you're government you're actually racing other currencies to be the fastest inflater. Apparently that's how you grow an economy as a central banker.

If you're in the crypto world your coins are deflationary. This means that if you hold your coins for a year you should be able to purchase more goods and services next year with them then you could today!


The real magic is looking at the Delta between these! Delta is the difference aka you do subtraction. It's not just that cryptos are deflationary or practically deflationary it's that we're also comparing them to currencies running as fast as they can to inflate. The difference between those two things is staggering!!!

So, why are bitcoin and the altcoins marching quickly up higher and higher which gets you a sick return on your investment?

When you have funds to invest and you look around your options are hold in cash, which is guaranteed to go down, buy some stocks that may go up a few percent, or pour some cash into cryptos and try to catch some 10x+ returns (sometimes in less than a month). The positive returns in crypto are only possible because our competition (fiat stuff not other cryptos) is literally the dumbest plan a human could voluntarily choose to do.

The letter

Dear asshat banksters,

You're a gang of criminals and you should all be brought up on charges of treason and Crimes Against Humanity. You've created a giant wealth sucking system that has created poverty for millions of people on this planet while simultaneously enriching some of the biggest assholes that ever walked the face of this Earth. On top of that the amount of fraud you've embedded in this system is nightmarishly large. You use violence and deep state spy rings to enforce it. You are the worst people on the planet.

If there's one thing worth thanking you for it's creating such a horrible situation that out of dire necessity the human mind has created blockchain currencies designed to circumvent your sphere of influence and provide an alternate to the highly inflated pieces of fiat dog shit you call your currency. Blockchain is cool and it wouldn't exist if you weren't all the horrendous ass eating vultures that purposefully rob economies all over the world.

There will come a time in the not too distant future your crimes are exposed for the harm they cause and the collective will of the people on this planet will see an end to the suffering you cause with your economic strife and military weapons. Until then, keep building your bunkers and planning for the apocalypse. We the people, particularly those of the internet, are coming. Your days are numbered.

Many blessings of genital herpes,
yours truly,


There are 2 pages

You went easy on them mate.
I'd love to see the NSFW version. 😉
It would be sweet to the parasitic central banking system destroyed in our lifetimes, it's been too long.

For months friends/family have been telling me to take my money out of crypto. Why? So what I've earned can immediately start losing value?

No thank you!

A little too late cus they've come up with a new plan and it is working for them. Do you wanna know what's the new plan?




Godammit!!! and "we" still fell into their trap again!!!.

There's no patch for human stupidity

That's right enolife. Ripple is not decentralized. It is not mined, but the company has full control over it and they can release up to 1 billion coins per month. Ripple is getting all the attention just because companies like Santander (SANPRA), Bank of America (BAC) and UBS (UBS) are using it.

Looks like gov and huge organizations are getting closer in controlling the crypto market.

Here's to hoping that situation corrects itself once new investors have a better understanding of the crypto market place, and why it makes no sense to get into crypto only to give your money right back to a centralized institution.

They must not know. Crypto is the way to go. Before long paper money will be gone. Most people don't understand that most money is already digital money. In America only ten percent of are money is in actual paper money. Trillions of dollars is already digital. People just can't grasp it. People who have used cash all their life. But use a card still don't get that all they do is push a button or swip when they use their card and digital money is transferred. Also a lot of people don't understand that a lot of these coins and tokens are more of an investment into these companies more than they are actual currencies that people can use day to day. Although several are and will be actual currencies like Bitcoin ethereum,Litecoin,Verge,and so on but if people only knew how their dollars could multiple over night with a little homework and the right investment. I started with a $100 and have absolutely killed it and found my future hiding in cryptos and block chain investments. Hope more people wake up before they miss the train.

Thanks, this will be my excuse from now on. I don't want my money depreciation rate subject to a bank or a government's whim.

I don't even want to take my initial investment out despite everyone telling me I should... I'd only end up spending it on crap I don't need so if I lose it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Hell yeah . Absolutely I haven't taken mine out and won't. My job pays me paper. Then I flip all I can afford over to Bitcoin and so on nothing like seeing the extra $100 I can afford here and there double and triple and more sometimes. It's crazy to leave your money on a worthless peice of paper not even backed by our government backed by some evil people in a chamber somewhere plotting on our next recession or depression.

Fiat is the currency or criminals as trillions get spend on war and death every year!

USD currency devaluation has been happening ever since the gold standard was dropped. Since then, the federal reserve simply prints more imaginary paper money at their whims, which causes the value of everyone's paper money to decrease.

Most people do not realize that the real reason a loaf of bread cost nickel 40 years ago and is now $3 is not because prices have gone up, but because the value of their money has gone down.

Extreme examples of currency devaluation are sometimes called hyperinflation. The worst case of this happened in Hungary in 1946 after the end of WW2 where the prices of goods were doubling every 15 hours . By August of 1946, total of all Hungarian bank notes still in circulation was only equal to 1/10 of a US penny.

If people believe that this could not happen here, they are wrong. There's only so much the Federal Reserve can use that printing press before the USD is dumped as the World Reserve Currency. In fact, the effort to replace it is already underway. I feel sorry for my parents who played it safe their whole lives and put their paper dollars into the bank so that they could earn 1% interest on it, even as it lost 3% in value a year due to devaluation.

What an incredible state of affairs. In the words of Cicero “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within."

yes great quote @realmsofcrypto ) here it is in full !!

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

You absolutely nailed it. Love to see people informed and spreading the truth

Fully agree with you that fiat currencies are inherently designed to be inflationary. This is worsened by the money printing frenzy that gripped central bankers around the world ever since the onset of the 2008 financial crisis. I really dread to see the day when key central bankers around the world take the punch bowl off the table and tighten monetary policy. It will definitely be ugly for stock markets.

Oh well thats sure telling them @aggroed )) thats just so perfect, i hear and share you anger with these disgusting individuals really ! Visa has just stopped all transactions linked to crypto, I am currently unable to withdraw anything through my usual channels ! They clearly hate us as much as we hate them eh ?? )

Their monopoly is unraveling before their eyes. The jig is up...

the jig is not up until its hanging from a tree by a rope )

AHAHAH great ending. Oh man. It’s spiteful but accurate.

"Many blessings of genital herpes..." hahahahah amazing. What other lovely things can we wish them?
Off the top of my head....

  • Scopolamine induced amnesia.

  • Waking up in a lego labrynth with no shoes.

  • Alergies to every adorable animal in the world.

  • Jellyfish tentacles to their new genital warts.

Suck it BofA. But thanks for letting me slowly transfer all ze funds to where you shall never find them :)

Oh! And shove all those fees up your festering hole.



This was probably my most heart felt up-vote of my day. Thanks for that read, enjoyed it very much. - Here is to change. Cheers!

I went to the bank a few months ago to do a wire transfer for a crypto purchase. When I sat down with the banker, we started talking and the subject of crypto came up. She gave me a 5 minute speech on how I should be carefule with this "pyramid scheme" and to make more safe investments like a CD or stocks.

I will never go back to that branch again. The bank: BANK OF AMERICA

The title destroyed me :D

agree. the bankers created a system that just wanted to see the poor getting squashed. they just want to drain away whatever people have. I hate those systems that do not want to share.

Aggroed, Great post and congrats on taking the steem plunge 100%. Upvote resteemed and reshared

I will definitely translate this letter into German, print it and send it to selected banks.

thx for this!

Many people are seeing this as well, thus the epic rise in cryptos :)

Hopefully someday cryptocurrencies will wipe them out and hopefully no-one's going to have control of innocent people. Banks are one the biggest world problems and any problem can be resolved.

Did you fax a copy to all of them ?

Oh shit! Optimus Prime is pissed. And he's usually so optimistic.
😈😈 Eat the rich! Arm the homeless! 😈😈

I don't want to harm anyone but I just want to see their system being made obsolete by better systems and those people being out of power to harm others.

I agree with this post.

You don't know me Aggroed, but I follow you and vote you for witness (as people I know said is good for steem etc)..not that I completely know how it all works, but yeah I agree with your views. Only diff appears is I'm still stuck in a job with banks controlling me as the unseen overlords as people depending on me, spending my earnings etc, so struggling to get enough to invest here - but forming a plan.

Now these bank buggers seem keen to destroy crypto/alt coins thru pump and dump (everything except their own...i.e. ripple). and I expect they'd dump that to if everyone just went back to traditional banking etc.

See my in-depth knowledge on ripple vs. steem here (breaking number one rule and dropping a post here...sorry, but seems very relevant)

It's important to watch the movies, not just read the text. hehe


@aggroed I totally agree with your take on bankers. I could add a few other professions as well to those that corrupt our society but that's another post. My question is:

How are those who control the hard-forks any different from the central bankers of fiat currencies?

Both decide policy that affects the flow of currency. Who decides what changes to implement? What is that decision process? The question can be asked a slightly different way for different effect.

Why are there no hard coded constraints to minimize the highly exponential wealth distribution on Steemit and the gaming that it allows?

I appreciate it's not an easy problem to solve but I can't find anyone even discussing it openly. But then I don't read every post made so help me here if I missed it. I mean this as a positive comment that will hopefully provoke a serious discussion somewhere.

Our best bet for that is high prices and inflation. Too much of the other stuff can be gamed.

Love the wit. Hope you feel better. Writing's always so cathartic.

That is why we are Lucky to have crypto's

As sensible as it seems lol, I'm really laughing hard at the humor 😂😂😂😂😂

Currently the bank is interfering against cryptocurrency. Because of the cryptocurrency dominance, the bank is being hit. But in my opinion the cryptocurrency transaction is much clearer than the bank.

I love it when cryptohaters tell me to cash out and its not even a full week into 2018 HAHAHA XRP saw 30,000% increase in the last year. 1940% with BTC...time to go to the moon!

Amazing thing you are really an artist is already a compelling message and very excellent thank you for your participation

The people in charge of banks totattly stink indeed. Crypto is the future :)

Cool, I thought, this is another post about Ripple ;)

@ atmosblack And to some extent IOTA and Ethereum, seeing how what's inflating their marketcaps are summonings about the likeliness of adoption by Micro$oft, IBM and other big corporations...

That would explain, why my gut is telling me to stay away from IOTA. Didn´t know that, but I have a natural aversion against them ;)

Well, I can't pronounce myself (yet) on IOTA's technological quality, but if it's really a cutting edge and revolutionary 3rd generation token-based network, the kind of cooperations they're promoting seems to be galaxies away from any social, cultural and economical disruption. For instance here:

I bought some IOTA early December and literally nothing was working - no sending and receiving of funds - and I was not the only one. The only thing they did, was blaming users that they have done something wrong and stating, that they are just in the early phases. Well, every crypto startup is, right? Then came the PR disasters (like the one with MS) and a community, that is highly delusional and only consisting of die hard fanboys, that wouldn't allow any questioning. After some days of looking at this mess, I sold my IOTA (without ever being able to withdraw them from the exchange) and I will never look back - even when they go to the moon, I won´t care (which I seriously doubt, judging on the things I saw). While Ripple (and other coins) may only be part of a bigger game banks and huge corporations are playing, IOTA is a failure from the start. So if they would also play a role in this, I wouldn´t be surprised - also, if this year they would be exposed as a huge scam.

Aggroed: I love this letter!!! I wish it wasn't needed...

Hubby and I have never had much of the play money. Our wealth has always been goods and services. Good old barter should never be forgotten.

Now we've added crypto to the mix. I just started mining recently. I played the stock market for about 15 years and still have a few drip stocks left. I bought tesla back when it was it just about $19. Sold earlier this year at over $300.

Blockchain is new to me, but I'm impressed just like I am with the steemit site. I learn so much here and make a little money at the same time.

Thanks for such a delightfully pointed letter!

Welcome to Steem. How many years did it take for Tesla to go from 19 to 300? There are a number of cryptos that do that every month...

As beautiful as your writing and beautiful
I see your post.
i will read your articles every day from today.
please follow me and give me a vote kindly

So true... Nice Post! Thanks @aggroed

Even i am a banker but Well said @aggroed and thank you for your clarification “I don't mean bank tellers” and as someone said “When bank robbery is a tort, establshing a bank is a crime.”
U got my vote 👍🏼

I feel the same way, glad to see many others who know what's going on.

Really good and informative post for me, Thanks for sharing @aggroed

They have done just that and will fail in time. The new movement is on!

thanks for this imformation..

crypto's are the future..

First of all, I want to share the best known word. "He always earns case." While we think we continue to win with small amounts, only those who build this system are actually winning. @aggroed

Seriously, why they gotta hate?

Did you just quit your job or something? Ha ha!

I did. Now I have time to sit around and write trash talk to the Feds.

Well done!

Would this be a passive aggressive post?
Good people will suffer tyranny until it becomes unbearable.

I think it's healthy assertive.

Good warning. The info is great.

thanks for the info

We're blessed with cryptos. :)

Fantastic humor. Thanks for sharing!

we are Lucky to have crypto

Thanks to central bankers for creating the world's shittiest currencies

Unless cryptos become currency used to exchange for services EVERYWHERE, then those asshat bankers will keep laughing. So many investors worry about profits, when in fact there are less than 10000 people in the world who are actually trying to make this happen.

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