Bitcoin (BTC) divided into its smallest unit in this way.
The smallest unit in a Bitcoin is Satoshi named after its creator(Satoshi Nakamoto).
A Satoshi is a hundredth of a millionth BTC.
These are the breakdown of the one BTC.
1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC
10 satoshi = 0.00000010 BTC
100 satoshi = 0.00000100 BTC micro-bitcoin (μBTC)
1,000 satoshi = 0.00001000 BTC
10,000 satoshi = 0.00010000 BTC
100,000 satoshi = 0.00100000 BTC milli-bitcoin (mBTC)
1,000,000 satoshi = 0.01000000 BTC centi-bitcoin (cBTC)
10,000,000 satoshi = 0.10000000 BTC deci-bitcoin (dBTC)
100,000,000 satoshi = 1.00000000 BTC bitcoin (1BTC)
Ethereum (Ether, ETH) divided into its smallest unit in this way.
Ethereum is dividable in to Wei, Kwei, Mwei, Gwei, Szabo, Finney, Kether, Mether, Gether and Tether.
1000000000000000000 Wei = 1 Ether
1000000000000000 Kwei = 1 Ether
1000000000000 Mwei = 1 Ether
1000000000 Gwei = 1 Ether
1000000 Szabo = 1 Ether
1000 Finney = 1 Ether
1 Ether = 1 Ether
0.001 Kether = 1 Ether
0.000001 Mether = 1 Ether
0.000000001 Gether = 1 Ether
0.000000000001 Tether = 1 Ether
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