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RE: MEDIA Protocol: DROP the Gimmicks; BUY People's Attention; BUY an Audience (new ICO)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

dear @hatu, i dont think providing tokens solves the attention problem. People like google and facebook serve content, connect people and sustain interest. yes it is hard to quantify them but they own the consumer and hence can guarantee attention.

Any other company whether it uses tokens or not, has to build attention groups (or they may have them already). i think the assumption you are making is that financial incentive is enough to sustain attention.

but money is limited and works for a very short time.

i think the primary role of media protocol is to create this enormous backbone on which all businesses which have focussed consumer groups will converge so that they can better operationalize their business by providing better incentives.

the jury is out on that approach.

on the other hand, news is something that media protocol can very play an enormous role in. i did write about independent newsrooms a few days ago that covered this angle.


Hey @adarshh,
Thank you for such a constructive response.

You are right that the power of Googe and FB lies in their ability to make the users dependent on them. The core feature of MEDIA Protocol, as I have discussed in my previous posts on this ICO, is indeed to provide the mass of content creators the ability to develop their own audience without reliance on these platforms.

My focus on this piece was to discuss how a product like this can develop an off-shoot effect, namely the potential to attach a price to user attention.