
in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

So the first issue of de/Central will be out this week. Here's my editors note so you can know what we're all about. Would love to hear any and all feedback. If you feel keen to support us on Patreon and get the articles early.

Here we are! The first issue of de/Central. I guess you call this our “genesis block”. The world of cryptocurrency is so vast that it’s really hard to know where to start. That’s why the team put together de/Central. Our motto is “your roadmap for a decentralized world” and that’s exactly what we strive to provide. We unequivocally feel that decentralization and cryptocurrency are the wave of the future. With the number of coins and the vast applications possible through blockchain technology, it’s hard to argue with that sentiment. It’s a worldwide movement and paradigm shift. Paradigm shifts are often hard to accept and even harder to navigate. If nothing else we want to give a starting point. We’re on the precipice of something that can revolutionize finance and even the playing field for “regular” people. The shift is already in full swing. We want our readers to be able to maximize their benefit from it.

Think about the internet in its infancy(mid-late 90s). Blockchain tech and the attached cryptocurrencies are in a similar phase currently. I had a conversation with a few team members and initially I wanted to help drive adoption of the crypto ecosystem. That goal morphed a bit as the first issue came together. We realized it’s not about making crypto mainstream. As the technology evolves that will happen anyway. It’s social evolution and social evolution can’t be stopped(maybe moderately slowed). What we’re here to do is help people understand the changes and how it affects them as it becomes mainstream. With this goal in mind we can help crypto become the mutually beneficial system that it was originally intended to be by the cyberpunks who pioneered it. People can’t effectively benefit off of something they don’t understand. I’m not saying you have to know exactly how a node works or know offhand how many MB are in each block of every token. How many of us know exactly how the internet works on more than just a surface level? Most everyone knows how to use it though. The more you know about it the more effective you are at using it however. de/Central is here to facilitate that knowledge.

We’ve broken de/Central into 5 sections to help our readers navigate the cryptosphere. News" looks at the newest developments in blockchain technology as well as the acceptance of it. "Financial" examines the cryptocurrencies and market trends that allow us all to make educated decisions and profit from the exchanges. "Legal" focuses on the regulation of blockchain tech. "Opportunities" gives user-friendly and easy to understand breakdowns of how regular people can use cryptocurrency to their advantage. Finally, security focuses on how to stay safe while on your crypto journey. This is a new industry to most and we won’t sugarcoat it; there’s still plenty of scams out there. We’re always open to feedback as hearing from our readers allows us to improve the service we provide. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing our readers make the most of decentralization. Cheers to your success!

Ken Taylor


Hey, it's really awesome to see you guys putting out quality information like this. I strongly believe that the crypto space is in its 'adolescence' right now. Proper information is one of the most lacking elements.

I'm especially thankful that you're not focusing on ROI and that all the moon/hodl nonsense is absent as far as I can tell. Lastly, the fact that you're using your EVE Online avatar (if I'm not mistaken) is definitely a bit of a signal to me. I look forward to following and reading. Maybe I'll even be able to provide content in the (far-ish) future.

Thanks. We really want to become one of the premeir resources for providing unbiased info about the whole crypto ecosystem.any support is welcomed