You are welcome Charles. These are all points that warrant discussion and we need to keep shining light on them. There is now an opportunity to break away from the oppressors that enslaved humanity for their profit the last 100+ years. We see the backlash against bitcoin...this tells me they are scared....they see their apple card getting turned on end.
And we are happy to help push it over.
Absolutely we will take back power from the few cntrolling us for centuries...guess you are a crpto guy isnt it? keep steeming
Yes I have some crypto...although I am more a technologist...I see many technologies starting to free mankind. The Internet was the first mechanism that offer all people a voice although the elites figured out how to silo it off and control that. Now the next stage of the internet will be breaking away from those entities that put up the silos and take back that control. This will simultaneously break away from the fiat control system if for no other reason it offers us a choice.
wow great point I agree with you. What is your take on ICO? which one are your future top ICO´s
ICOs are a great thing...a wonderful way to make big money....and to lose all you put in. It is a shooting gallery in my opinion...a lot of crap out there. It is akin to the penny stock world...lots of good stories but nothing.
I dont play the ICO game too is more risk than I prefer. I will give up some at the beginning to see an entity to start to produce. Prices often will drift back anyway due to overhype and excitement.
Good point, however some people make a lot of money through joining early and doing a good due dilligence on the company. However I agree wth you-some are scams isnit it?