Jamie Dimon BUSTED Buying Bitcoin! (Bix Weir)

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)


As the leading man of JPMorgan screamed how much he hates Bitcoin a few days ago is caught fueling the F.U.D (fear, uncertaintyl, and doubts) into the crytos markets. Why?! Why the hate Jamie Dimon?!

I love FUD stories. As a small fish trying to get a piece of the action, it was a buying opportunity for me. Much mahalo Jamie Dimon. I think you are also experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out) just like me.

Here's the awesome Bix Weir. Enjoy!

In the end, I think the FUD will be less drastic. People will begin to understand that people like him are no longer relevant to our commitment into an obsolete Bankers manipulations.

A great aloha to all!


i think it's a fake that JP bought bitcoin...couldn't find it anywhere for real....there are some tweaked screenshots around only....

Shucks, one in BoxMining, David ....something, and The Dollar Vigilate, and Bix Weir on this video.

On a side note: fake or not, I'm beyond concern what these people have to say 😁 Personal opinion, of course.

Fair enough 😁

You can never trust these people..

It's hard when they're slithering in the DEEP swamp...looking alike, sounding alike

Yea... and thinking like they can fool everybody. Scums of the earth!