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RE: Crypto Bull or Fiat Bear

Hey, @meno.

It seems to me that in most cases, when an economy finally fails, it is preceded by a lack of faith in it by the people, to where they begin to act more drastically to protect their own interests. Prices go up, there's a run on the banks (as if paper money is going to be worth much), stocks get sold in panic stricken fashion, and down it goes.

Why that hasn't happened in the US or globally yet, I don't know. While I've been dumbfounded by the measures the FED and the Federal government have taken to supposedly correct things, I've been amazed at the resiliency of the US economy. It has to be the fact that we continue to be in large measure the reserve currency, though the percentage of countries using the dollar in that way has begun to fall in recent years. Otherwise, we'd be the Weimar Republic by now.

Perhaps it will be that, reaching a tipping point as countries move away to some so-called more stable basket of currencies, or maybe it will be the point where the countries that hold most of our debt decide to call in the markers, or dump the debt somehow. Or it could be that one of the weaker European nations finally collapses and the domino effect of mutually assured economic destruction finally takes place.

Regardless of how the end actually comes (and I believe it will be an end of sorts), the question becomes for those of us who are aware of this, who see the inevitability of it, who have been watching it come for all of our lives—how do we come out of it in any measurable semblance of okay, and then survive, with as many of our loved ones as we can maintain?

The economic reckoning is coming. Will crypto be the safe haven? Will the preppers and the doomsdayers be vindicated? Will China call our bluff, march on us if we don't pay our debts with the accumulative real estate of the entire western half of the United States?

When and how are the lesser questions. The inevitability of it is what needs to be recognized, and then figure out what to do about it, because we as individuals, or groups, will be on our own to figure it out. The government won't. The FED won't. The powers that be won't.

We're it.

re: crypto bull/fiat bear

They are either side of the same coin. One and the same.


thank you for the thoughtful comment...

and of course, i echo your sentiments.

Hey, @meno.

Well, thanks for that. I greatly appreciate your posts, because they do give me cause to pause and think, and provide a vehicle for somewhere to put my thoughts. :)