Crypto Currencies as Travel Currencies and The Euro

in #cryptocurrencies8 years ago (edited)

One of the best ideas about the European Union was a unified form of currency for travelers who wanted to visit other places without the continuous hassle of converting currencies. With the EU facing severe difficulties keeping itself together one of the main ideas can be kept through crypto currencies. One of my favorite things about crypto currencies is that it can be pulled out through multiple sources to make exchanging currency easier. To someone who would like to travel this would allow for a quick and seamless way to go around the world, without having to do wire transfers if cash is low or force a major pre-planned trip. That doesn't take out the value of having a fiat cash it only increases the availability of getting it. I think an interesting idea would be to have certain spots open where individuals can go and transfer the currencies through the net and another person who lives there, a literal hot spot if you will for crypto, very much like an exchange just faster and without the different currency rates. Not that this won't some how get to a point of an exchange in real life, however the ability to have extra cash on the go that is not attached to a major government or banking institution would make it easier for travelers.

The Idea of being able to pay securely without credit would also be appealing while credit is useful in some aspects it causes harm in over spending with the easier way to budget being with the cash on hand from crypto currencies and having a back up credit card instead of the cash that was put forth on the assumption and having to plan way ahead and if you feel like you would like to stay longer, then you can without the worry of having to run on a credit card.

In regards to the EU it might make more sense to instead of destroying independent democracies put together and forced into a republic have multiple currencies, much like crypto has allowing for them to have independent economies of scale work for them and the free flow of travel, at least in that part of the world.