Stellar Can, and Will, be the Top Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

So you think that Bitcoin will continue to be the most valuable crypto in the world? Think twice.

While SOME (not many) people are buying bitcoin to actually spend it (rather than just hoard it), they do it mostly because it is the only coin they know, or trust.

Enter new innovative coins with better usability, and faster and WAY cheaper transactions. Think Iota, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and my personal favorite, Stellar (lumens).

Each coin is better some things In the case of Stellar, this is financial transactions. Startups know this, and they are already building products around them. Then they do ICOs to raise funds. A lot of funds.

When these new products built around alt coins mature in the next few years, the value of their tokens and associated alt coins will explode. Some of the recent ICOs are breaking funding records, and fintech startups are leading the way.

So, if fintech startups are exploding, and Stellar is one of the better cryptos to execute financial transactions (ultra-low fees, faster trasnsactions, etc.) then Stellar is in a privileged position to be the hottest coin in 2018. Just look at the recent price jumps.

Red this ->

The best part? It's not just me saying all of this. IBM (Yes, that IBM) is already using Stellar for cross-border payments. IBM is a big supporter of Stellar.

Also read this -

My suggestion? Follow recent ICOs, believe the trend, and buy some alt-bitcoin-2007769_640.jpgcoins. That's your ticket to the future.