Popped my CryptoCoin Cherry!

in #cryptocoin7 years ago

So, there I was... It was 2 A.M. and i was surfing the web for ideas on alternative revenue streams to supplement my day job and BAM! I ran across ASIC bitminers produced by BITMAIN.

I read a lot of form posts, reviews, profit calculators, technology whitepapers, and decided right then that I was jumping head first into Cryptocurrency mining, trading, and long term investing.

Then the reality of my situation struck... I had no capital or much more than a change jar collection of funds to get me started.

I planned my entry into this volatile hyper-changing endeavor with my typical engineer's approach and started with about $1000 bucks. I Invested in the big three, BTC, LTC, ETH. Then, a few days passed with some mild gains as I rode the wave and decided to move some of the BTC to XRP, LBRY, and various other high risk coins I had researched and liked what they offered.

This was all a few weeks ago. Now, I am expanding even more into supporting and growing the communities like STEEM that really bring a sense of direction for internet access with a global eye view and actual tangible reward for effort spent.

I genuinely look forward to expanding our useful knowledge sharing and proving that the internet is not just for PORN!

Currently waiting on my ASICS to arrive in a few weeks then the engineering fun begins.

