Anyone who thinks that automation will lead to nothing to do, has obviously never had enough of a good thing in their life. For what reason, I cannot imagine. But people will not want to do nothing, they just always would prefer to do less of the things that are unpleasant and more that are pleasant. Automation has a built-in capitalist incentive: one can, with some advance expenditure, dramatically amplify the amount of current product at a lower cost. In other words, bigger profit. Then, over time, everyone automates, to compete, and the profit margin gets a lot thinner. But so does the automation equipment.
In other words, whether you like it or not, once the genie of automation is out of the bottle, and sometimes in response to impossible prices for human labor like minimum wages, or just because it is cheaper, sooner or later the job can be done by less people.
The irony for me is that then the very same socialist RBE types jump up and down about technological unemployment. Yet they want full automation. Why are you so confused?
I didn't say that, I said that until automation gets rid of jobs people would rather not do, like cleaning toilets, or picking cherries (very difficult apparently), then we will always have some sort of money.