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RE: New Here!

in #cryptoart5 years ago

mate thi was exactly what I needed, an explanation like this, but looks like I'm more a musician, you could suggest some way to connect my art with this??

what you're telling me is absolutely valuable!

I don't had an eth wallet but I would love to o do it, you should do a post about all of this

I uggest you to go to @theterminal if you got questions, do you use discord? it's a good time to gave it a look, thank you!


Yeah there is a few things you could do actually.

So rarible has this "unlock" feature which is basically a few lines of text that is unlocked once the NFT is purchased. So what you could do is say upload an album cover or something along those lines and in the description you can say something like "Full song/album unlock with purchase" and maybe even a link to a preview of the song.

And then in the unlock box you could put a link to the mp3 file via dropbox, or google drive. And that download link would only appear after its purchased. Some people have also done that sort of things with eBooks, or download links to a highres version of the image.

Also on websites like KnownOrigin or makers place, you have the option of uploading WebM's or videos. So what you could do is find an artist on one of those websites and do a collab, have them make a cool animation with a clean loop and you provide the music, and then if it sells you just split the profit. But of course with that you would have to find someone trustworthy. The nice thing is most crypto artists wouldn.t want to ruin their reputation by scamming a fellow artist. Could be the last thing they ever sell haha.

And getting an eth wallet is really easy, if you use chrome or brave you can just download an extension called MetaMask.

Maybe I'll come up with a little tutorial with screenshots or something when I'm not lazy :P

I'll give them a follow too! I use discord sometimes but I'm primarily on telegram and twitter.