By the way, I recommend the Fail Fast, Fail Often book.

in #cryptoart4 years ago (edited)

To write or to create; but for some reason never both.

I come to a familiar place where I'm writing an update rather than an incremental addition to some consistent series of articles. Like a pRopEr WriTer

Thank you

Thank you to those who tuned into my first post with a crash course introduction.

The level of interaction was nice and so it was encouraging enough for me to go again.

Finding Balance, still

I work a day-job which has me working at random times between 6am and 9pm and weekends - it's hard to nail down a routine where I can create and write about it too.

It's also a choice, I choose to spend time either creating or relaxing on top of normal working hours. This is why I tend to disappear from writing and only tweet here and there sporadically.

Every piece is back to square 1

Because every piece is unique and there isn't a set process to my creations, each one is an experiment and will take a different amount of time to start and finish.

I do record what I do most of the time - it's just a matter of formatting these to share; I tend to do this in short bursts. A series of these will be ready soon to watch here, on my instagram and on youtube.

Crypto Art

Meanwhile this was my latest release which includes an almost full timelapse (with music!)

Pandemonium Finale as you saw is a multi-scene, science fantasy collage.



It was sold in September via KnownOrigin

I spoke a little about each of the parts on twitter

This creation was about trying out a way of pushing myself to try new things. I speak about this (admittedly shuffled) with my interview with KnownOrigin live on Youtube.

This idea came from the book Fail Fast Fail Often

Lots of great discussions, ideas and practical advice in this book, which I'm making my way through, trying things out as I learn them. Here though, I wanted to get myself to the answer of any question as quickly as possible, putting caution and hesitation to one side and focus all my time and energy into getting to these answers.

For example, I might think to myself, that I want to make a collage or something that has multiple points of interest, and would look cool blown up on a big screen. I have little experience of pure traditional collage and tend to give up on them - so how can I do it? Will it take long? How many photos will I need? Can I make it science fantasy inspired? Will it look good? Will it be a waste of time?

Then it was: Go for it, find out the answers, as quickly as possible - get a first draft done, ASAP, NOW.


Mind you, I'm not thinking about the college as a whole, but about each segment on the canvas being it's own mini-project. This helped me focus on the task at hand, quickly putting the idea down as soon as possible, making small changes along the way. You'll see me testing and trying different images, angles, colours in the time-lapse video.

This ain't no joke!

No doubt there's a lot of hard work that goes into many creations - I just want to be decent at documenting and sharing it.

At least when I do these updates I'm sure I have something worth talking about; you know quality vs quantity. But with quantity, and practice, comes quality, eventually.



I need to do more.

I recommend the Fail Fast, Fail Often book btw.

