Wait so powering up equals investment ...... 🤯

in #crypto2crypto6 years ago (edited)

So I just read a article by @themarkymark


And I have a question for the community. If you go and purchase a apartment complex, are you going to charge rent based off of the feeling of others? Probably not, but that’s kind of the situation we have here on this platform.

We have a division of classes, those who got in early and paid little for the influence they have, so they have collected their initial investment and are all House money. Second you have those who have joined the platform and haven’t added any monetary assests. So at any point can walk away no harm no foul, and not miss a beat

Last you have a group that have come in and invested a substantial sum of money and are in s precarious position of wanting to recoup their investment as quickly as possible as this would make the most business sense, but here on steemit it is frowned upon.

Here you have a 2 groups that have either little to no financial ties to the platform as they with got here early or didn’t bother investing, telling those who have paid a large fee what to do. Now I am all for the greater good but this is still a for profit platform, because if it wasn’t everyone should decline all payouts in their post.

I fall into the group that paid the money for the position, and though I have no issue with growing the community I do have a issue with people acting entitled. We have come to the point where people feel that just because someone has more they are required to lift everyone up along the way. I don’t find this to be the case for a few reasons.

  1. I could have just as easily purchased a znode and collected the same if not more in payments then I do on this platform, and no one in the Zcoin community would tell me how I spend it.

  2. Like any investment the key is to recoupe initial before heavily redistributing, in this case it would be cursting vs selling vote.

  3. A lot of times as you fill everyone’s cup, no one is filling your pitcher. To many times have I had post where folks would comment and ask for upvotes and not even bother doing the same, then have the nerve to upvote some mega whale shit post.

  4. If you bought a abandoned property and spent 100k on repairing it and recieve 400 a month profits. How many of you are giving 100 to your favorite charity each month? Especially before you have broken even.

Look I am far from a prick, but at the end Of the day I am still a business man. Good economics say take care of companies needs before bolstering that of another. So how can you be mad at those that may not have anything else but what steem provides.

Also I ask anyone take the time and watch the patterns of those critizing how votes are handled. Go through and see how many never power up but send their sbd directly to exhangsz to be sold. Can you really expect to leave the minnow stage of you never actually invest in yourself?

I think I have posted enough that people will know that I do want the greater good. At the same time my blood sweat and tears came at a cost, and for it to be discounted is unfair.



I am in it with money, time and passion. So i dont focus on what others are doing. I think in any play eventually the better one wins. Fair play wins.

I am investing in both, money and time (I got in Steemit quite late). Hopefully, Steemit won't disappointed me.

I’m pretty sure it won’t.

first time upvoting your post, i agree with you about 80%, currently you do share about 5% of the love, it's much better than nothing.

now having agreed with you, you came in May 2017, didn't you buy Steem when it was $0.20, and now it's like $2.7 today, won't you be considered by the vast majority the 700,000+ accounts who came in after you as an early investor?

if i'm mistaken please correct me, if your average was an extreme like $2 due to the peak in June 2017, please put me in my place, and do offer any guidance, at what price would you sell as you say to "recover you original cost first"

$4, $5, at former peak $8, say to take out the original capital to "break even"?

May need to check the math on the 5%.

An account​ was created in May of 2017 but not active until End of feb 2018 so big difference​. As I was not around for the peaks of the price. Even if I was how would I take profits, it takes 7 days to get 1/13 of my holdings. So even if I wanted to theose windows close quickly you holding move slowly.

Yeah you currently give 5% to upvotes services (i heard they paid back 95%...well the high paying ones does slightly bettter, others 90%), it's a form of giving, and that fuels them to improve the applications bots and otherwise on Steemit, and you also give 70% from the remaining undelegated SP, so that's >5% i suppose in total.

so when did you buy and power-up your Steem then? Are you saying you're in the red with Steem with today's 8% drop to $2.50 now (assuming Steem avg was $4 back in Feb2018)?

I'm expecting to get hammered for being blunt, but SteemIt is not a very good investment - for most crypto traders or people looking to get a good return on investment. It's an interesting experiment in Social Media & cryptos, and it has achieved interesting results. But, most Steemians will never get wealthy due to making investments in Steem Power. Many of the posts on the Trending and Hot pages are only there because the authors have spent $250 - $500, per post, to promote their own content. So much for "good content being rewarded." I'm not saying it can't happen for some people, some of the time, because it does. But, if you're "too successful," and figure out how to beat these whales at their own game - then you're going to become a target.

SteemIt is a wealth-generating machine (upvotes). But, it is also paired-up with a wealth-destroying maching (downvotes). That seems sketchy to me. Downvotes, Mulitple/Fake accounts, and Bots should be done away with in the next Hard Fork, but I doubt witnesses and whales will allow it - unless they impliment some other way to maintain near total control over the distribution of the daily rewards pool. People who make a lot of money don't usually just up and decide to give it all away to the less fortunate. They may give some, if they really like you and you do/vote they way they want you to. Otherwise, they'll undermine your ability to profit from their system, because they're too busy taking profits themselves.

I understand your position. It's a bad one. Here you're a bit late to the game, power up a bunch of Steem, and come to find out that the earlier adopters have already perfected the art of raping the rewards-pool (through various, round-about means - multiple & alternate accounts, gambling apps, voting-bots, etc.) while hiding/masking their activities. But, if you do some research, you do find that many of the Witnesses and Whales are all involved in one giant circle-jerk: trading votes, etc. And, if someone new comes along and uses the established SteemIt rules to make a profit (i.e. haejin), they catch hell from the whales, because it's eating into their profits. Then these same whales turn around and accuse haejin of "raping the rewards pool." I discovered this hypocrisy early on, and it has prevented me from powering-up any significant amount of Steem Power. (I try to keep mine around 100 SP.) Why would you "invest" with a bunch of people who pay lip-service to "peace, freedom, non-violence, free-speech, and anarchy" when they turn right around and downvote your rewards via nefarious tactics, financial abuse, alternate accounts, and peer pressure???

I stay around SteemIt for the news and the learning. Some people criticise Dan Larimer for leaving SteemIt. I think he moved on because he realized he had designed a flawed system, and trying to "fight" the original investors' greed became a losing proposition at some point along the way. Or, maybe he ran his scam, took his profits, got out when the getting was good, and has moved on to create his next scam? I'd like to think that he's actually trying to develop EOS and SteemIt 2.0 as an improved version of this platform - but that still remains to be seen.

Truth be told, if you're not dedicating your life to becoming a professional SteemIt blogger/vlogger, you're better off powering down and investing in other alt-coins where you don't have to wait 13 weeks to get your money out. SteemIt is sort-of like romper-room for newbie traders. It's a great place to dip your toe in the water and get some experience and knowledge under your belt. But, if you're looking for big ROI, get out there and trade some TRON, NEO, OX, or something else where your ability to create wealth is not subject to the whim of SteemIt trolls, and can not be destroyed by downvotes from big whales - because they don't like your politics, interests, or the fact that you're eating into their ability to take profits.

The most satisfying thing on SteemIt, for me, is taking a big downvote & replying by posting a picture of my stack of physical silver and gold. "Downvote This! I'll check my stack in the morning and see if it got any lighter." It usually shuts up the trolls pretty fast.

I noticed the madness as well, at first I said I’ll stay under the radar. Then I thought to myself why should I have to hide from those out in place to protect the freedom of this platform?

It seems that the more money you have invested in Steem Power, the more "politically correct" you have to be with SteemIt whales and mobs of Trolls/followers/lemmings who tend to jump onto the downvoting bandwagon - if they decide to target you. I keep it at 100SP because that seriously limits anyone's ability to damage my bottom line, while preserving my presence on the platform (however insignificant one perspective may be in the larger ocean).

I know there are others out there who think exactly as I do, yet do not speak their point of view for fear of downvotes or losing out on the paltry share of the rewards pool. I mean, if your week revolves around 0.00031% of the SteemIt rewards pool, then you have bigger problems to worry about than your Social Media reputation. In my case, the difference of 25 SBD per month, one way or the other, means little. If that is the price I pay for my views, so be it. I understand that the current platform allows for others to downvote my views, and vice-versa: that's the current game - and it's tilted heavily towards "might make$ right."

Amen to that. The more SP you have the more you need to recoup, and that will be made pretty difficult if you are being downvoted at every corner. Though funny enough this leads to vote selling and delegating full time.

I have seen many posts about how steem is so awesome and how we have over one million accounts - but for me personally there is one key question - how many of those accounts have actually invested some of thier own money to power up, I dont mean slowly powering up from payouts earnt from blogging but putting your hard earnt into the system - I have a strong suspicion its painfully low. Maybe someone can provide these stats?

Without being funny - most new accounts are from third world/developing countries..And why not steem can have MUCH more purchasing power for them than someone from a wealthy country..But how many will buy steem?

I do fear that steem may get to a point where there just isnt enough people powering up and too many people just blogging for rewards, surly the price would eventually collapse.

There are many types, I wouldn’t say just 2 at all. Everyone just should have fun, live life lol 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

I was under the impression that the idea was to upvote the content you believe to be worthy.

I upvote content that I find interesting, informative and/or funny, and hope that people will do the same for the content that I produce.

I don't particularly care who produced the content, although there are a few people I tend to read more than others, but I'm always looking for new people to read.

With that said, my votes aren't really worth a shit anyway, usually about 1 cent at 100%. I invested what I could afford without having to sell my soul, but that in reality was pratically nothing compared to many non here.

I rarely upvote my self, I never use bidbots and I've never paid anyone for upvotes or restreems... Maybe that's where I'm going wrong!

Shit! I can't remember where I was going with this now...

But anyway, that's me!

It was supposed to be that you upvote the best content, but as you are able to use bots and self upvote etc, people do (myself included). This annoys a portion of the community.

Yes, I have noticed many people self upvoting. For some I can see it how it makes sense to do so when they are getting a dollar or more per vote... Why wouldn't they upvote themselves.

I usually don't beacuse, at the moment, it's pointless because of the value of my votes.

The people that do though, have a much larger investment in steem than I can afford. The way I see it is that they should be able to gain some interest on that investment - if that is achived through self upvoting , so be it.

I imagine the complainers are more than likely jealous because their votes don't have the same effect for them.

That said though I do think there should be some sort of cut off point to prevent the reward pool getting rapped too badly.

That was the idea, then people started creating crap and expecting handouts.

No concept of reward = effort then!

Or to quote Denis Waitley (an American motivational speaker)...

“The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply.”

By time things get changed...end of the day money is the goal

Like the article. Following w steem voter now so I will be reading all your posts. Look forward to seeing more of your posts.

The way I see it, if you got into STEEM when it was $0.01 and it went to $0.10 that is a 10x return. Yet many stuck with it, even when it went to $0.20, $0.50, $1, $2, and even $5.

So while you can look down on them for having it easy, I’d bet 1000:1 you would have sold a hell of a long time ago.

It’s easy to look backwards and point fingers.

I have a question mark. Say you delegate your steempower to another account those it still gain more steem?

You do, they only get voting power.

Cool! Thanks for the reply!

Oh I have no problem with those who didn’t sell. My issue is with those who got i early and point fingers at those who go in later. How is that fair?

There isn't much in life that is fair anymore.

Wait, there was at some point before?

Interesting perspective. I'm one who can't afford to gamble on investing anything other than my time in this platform. I have only been here a few months but I believe even with its flaws it has a ton of potential to be a positive entity

Tons of potential, I truly believe if we cleaned up some of the mud and fixed the way content is discovered this could be fixed.

Hey RedSky, good to see you here also. How are the soundpacks going?

Thanks. Which sound packs do you mean, I’m working on a few things?

The Ones on iPad

Yes @elektropunkz I've done about 50 presets so far for the new AnalogKit SynthOne which arrives in June and is free

Cool, i enjoyed your presets for the layer synth.

Late reply, but so you know, i now have the synth one, and it became an instant favorite. Anyway, because we know eachother from the ipad gang on facebook, i donated you a SBI (its a first for me also, so i hope it helps mate)

Last you have a group that have come in and invested a substantial sum of money and are in s precarious position of wanting to recoup their investment as quickly as possible

Since when do “investors” want to recoup their investment as soon as possible? Maybe speculators want to do that, but investors have a longer time horizon. As for myself, I plan on not powering down for at least several years.

What on earth. No one invest into projects and, Say I want to wait as long as possible to get my money back.

Who said anything about as long as possible? It’s just that, by definition, investors think long term, speculators and traders have a shorter timeframe that they’re working with.

Would both parties not want to lock in initial investment as soon as possible? Getting my initial investment does not me I exit all together. I’m just reducing my exposure.

Imagine you were to invest heavily in a small company. It’s innovative, exciting, and fast growing. The shares are easily capable of appreciating 10x in the next 1-2 years at the current trend.
You pour cash in to the point of becoming majority investor, at shareholder meetings, it’s all you! In order to lock in your initial investment as soon as possible and reduce exposure, you funnel all free cash flow into a dividend payout. Hiring & wages are frozen. Research, development & marketing are on pause until the cash is recouped. Is this wise?

You have a unique viewpoint as an investor that I can respect. But I do believe that short term thinking by large investors can be damaging to the platform & token. I would wholeheartedly encourage any investor to participate as much or as little as they wish. But I would prefer passive investment or genuine participation as opposed to any attempts to maximize the ROI from the rewards pool. I see the rewards pool as being analogous to Steem’s development fund. Now is not a good time to be “withdrawing” from it.

I am 100% with you on the negativity of the short term thinking from “plankton” users as well. Complaining about rewards and inequality when unwilling to save & power up has been equally damaging to building communities and user retention.

Thank you for your well balanced response. It may be a short term view in terms of maximizing Roi, but this is crypto and things can turn on you very quickly. Add the fact it takes 13 weeks to fully exit and you see how one could be uneasy.

As for the plankton complaints. Some have been on for over 6 months and never powered up. How and why would you expect a say in a company you never bought into. Merely signing up does not count.

Very well said! I'm of the same opinion.

Pay no attention to the entitled people, the daily Steem reward pool is only worth something because of people like us who have invested and kept FIAT money in the platform.

Heads would turn if that were to change.

Great job my good friend. I love when people lay it out as it actually is or they just tell it how they feel it. I agree with you, there's no difference between here and any other Investments that you would make in life. You should want to protect and grow your investment first and foremost.

Only feel its right to keep it real. It very skewed perceptions on this platform.

People with big pockets feeling high and mighty, and people with little pockets not willing to empty them to make more. Pathetic, if you ask me. At least the ones who cry about being small anyway.

I judge no ones actions, if you want to help other then go ahead. If not well then that’s you, I didn’t buy your position so I can’t tell you what to do

I judge no ones actions, if you want to help other then go ahead. If not well then that’s you, I didn’t buy your position so I can’t tell you what to do

Linear rewards and delegation screwed the platform.
It was done to appease the greedy.
If we had made the platform @dan created work for everybody, not just the greedy, we would be doing much better now.
You werent here to know the difference, this is your normal, and the longer it goes on, the less likely it will be fixed.
All hail, stinc!
We wouldnt have to buy rewards.
Instead stinc bent us over so the greedy could have their way with us.
Bring back the n2 and the whale experiment and we can go back to being a content platform rather than an early adopter money grab.

Question you have been here for a while, why did you not invest in the platform?

Im am poor, but i have put a little money in.
Where i live is rural, no coffee shops selling bitcoin.
I did find a computer store but he didnt want to sell alot and the next time i asked he said no.

I'm in that third group with you and do wonder/think about long term, if or when I'll get my initial investment back. And I agree, I love the community here, and I've enjoyed curating with the greater Steem Power I have, but I still consider this an investment that I hope I'll eventually get a return on. Thanks for thoughtful post on this!

I love to create as well, but this atmosphere can be draining. Investments are not made to be given away before you even cover your Roi

My upvotes aren’t worth much of anything, so it’s easy for me to say, but I try to upvote as many people as possible. I think it’s good for me to do it to get recognized, and it’s what’s best for Steemit. In the end, what people do with their upvotes is their own business, not mine, and quite frankly, it isn’t anyone else’s business, either.

No one should “expect” upvotes. 🙁

Authors who actually write good can't expect only writing bring them up without investment.

Consistency and persistence neede needed in this platform. Still lots of issues to be understood @crypto2crypto gradually it will become more clear.

The days of just writing and winning are gone, so those who were here early really can’t sY much. As the world they came up in no longer exist.

Users increasing, new changes coming, things needed to be adjusted or adjusting with the flow.

It is a long term game with this platform. The short term players will not do that well

I thought the people that ask for an upvote and dont give one are bots? Or are they just people who are idiots ?

Take the time to look around. all are not bots.

Ill check there profiles out. I normally point it out that they havent unvoted me even tho they said they did. Its pritty easy to spot when you have 3 upvotes lol.

upvoting that comment :-)

Good arguments. I find it annoying that people will ridicule anyone who self upvotes (as this is enriching yourself and not allowing the best content to rise to the top), yet the majority seem to have no issue with delegating to bits which does exactly the same thing.
The platform needs to decide what is allowed and what is not, code that and stop judging others who use the platform in a perfectly correct manner but just not what they personally agree with!

This has been my biggest confusion.

Person A: self upvotes

Person B: sends sbd to bot to be upvotes.

Who is really in the wrong?

Really great article
The investment has become very big here
Thank you for the great information

Congratulation crypto2crypto! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 16min with 3 votes.
Thanks to @souldelas.

Absolutely true.

but there are these official steemit blockchain accounts like there is for DTube and DLive for example what are made to upvote people just for the people

And you still have to put I work to earn those.

This platform is not utilized the way it was meant for i always supported #deletefacebook because i believe that steemit will take facebook out and thats why i am still a steemit believer @crypto2crypto


Finally, someone tells it straight.

Many won’t agree, but then again no one seems to care

They are busy buying shit coins an ICOs. And later on, they'll be checking my wallet and tell me how to vote and what to do with my stake.

😂😂😂 not everyone, but from the looks of it many will.

Hi @Crypto2cryto

I like to create as better, but this ambiance can be mantle.

I'M hoping steemit is going going to be good for me!

I like your article i am new to the steemit plattform still in the learning process I invested in steem after reading about its socail media platform i am interested on how i could use it as a visual artist thanks for the informative article it will help me with approach when interacting on this paltform

I don't have investment right now, in fact, I'm struggling in my life to make my life better, as far as not powering up and holding, well I need money for my Mum operation and it can be needed at anytime :)

Bass guitar is always +10000

You darn skippy.

Thank you for your perspective. Like you, I paid for my position and will likely do so again. To me, the beauty of this platform is how much it mimics our modern capitalistic society. That means it isn't necessarily fair and it is most definitely not always philanthropic. All it is meant to do is provide opportunity, and with all its flaws, it does that. Each one has an opportunity to post something so marvelous it goes nuclear and pays out tremendously, much like a "nobody" (minnow) with an amazing talent might be "discovered". At the same time, reality dictates that is unlikely, so you might have to suck a dick or two, or bribe someone, or learn how to promote your work. (Please pardon my vulgarity, I couldn't resist, lol.) The point is, this is capitalism. NO ONE should be telling anyone how to spend their time or money. I think I have good ideas and I'd love to be a positive influence upon the world, but I don't do other social media at all and I'm not interested in increasing my popularity. I am okay reaching those who wish to listen/read and growing my following organically. My motivation is evenly split between growing this platform and growing my profits, because in a capitalistic society, your best chance at positively impacting others is by being successful yourself first. I am here because I don't want to be the product for some evil multinational corp. If I am to be the product, I want to be paid for it. Regardless, I believe It is always good to review opposing viewpoints, and take from them what you can. Steem on brother!

Capitalism at its finest allows for speedy growth.

I guess I’ll add this bit, maybe if everyone had to play by the same rules we would have the disparity. Watch long enough and you will see what I mean.

good point.

Investments are good if you work hard with it afterwards

Inst it the best accomplishment of bidding bots the exaltation of this debate? I mean, why to power up or buy when the actual gains of bidding bots are rewards in SP, so actually is a win-win situation, you get exposure and "more money" but in reality you are investing in the cycle of getting more SP, in the long term this makes that the money held in SP in the entire platform gets more time to get the valuation as whole up.

Thank you for pointing some of the innacurate expectations. Im all for the movement of expanding the steem platform and growing the community so it benefits everyone who is involved, but im also looking to be compensated for my time.
I need to make a profit to make the activity on the site be worth the time spent. I do this because I like to write, but I need to make money also.

Hard for the ​community to grow if a majority of the ones at the bottom never power up. Instead immediately sell the earnings into something else.

@crypto2crypto I just had an Idea.
What if we created a group that always used a ceratain tag like "steemintegrity" that always provided quality content. We could provide some rules on what quality content means.

As a group we would always upvote each others content and support each other if we we attacked by rougue bots who were jeleouse of our success.
Maybe we could develop something and add more ideas to this.
Let me know your thoughts. I think I could get some other people on board with the Idea.

That’s actually a snazzy idea, but I feel this is a open platform and having any group control what will and won’t be upvotes goes against my core belief

I believe the potential that Steemit has just need a bit more time to shine. As long as community is growing we don't need to worry. Let's just wait for upcoming features because they will change the game and could be revoultionary for our beloved platform ;p

Awesome post! for all those crypto and tech enthusiast: I made this image with the 3D Steem logo so you can use it in your cryptocurrency posts! here's the link to my post
images are clean and completely free! just make sure to upvote! have a nice one!


I am with you on this one.

I had bought most of my steem myself.

And while I am happy to help minnows and projects I think are good I always have in mind I need to make my investment back.

With the lack of liquidity I cant easily take profits from those spikes.

I want to be a part of this and dont mind lifting people up but I am not willing to break my back for this

13 weeks man lol. That’s a long process

I just brought power a little while ago. More Steem!!!!

I honestly changed my mind a little after reading this. You're right about the fact that lots of people complain for a bunch of reasons that they could solve their selves. And if they want the same they should invest also a material amount of fiat money. On the other hand you could argue that if they would have been here 1 year earlier, things would have looked differently. But we all have a choice. So we rent the apartment? Do we stay on Steemit?

I think most of the people that complain now would act the same as many orcas and whales do right now. I bet that if they become rich Steemonians they also become greedy. Only now they are poor that don't admit this.

I just have fun and see where it goes. Let's enjoy to be part of this amazing first crypto based social media platform!