Is this the downfall of Bittrex?

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This is a very very strange sight to see. Bittrex sitting outside of the top 10 in trade volume and sitting at number 17 overall in the last 24hrs. This comes as a huge surprise as Bittrex at one point was the gold standard and heir apparent​ of the now forgotten Poloniex.

Bittrex is a prime example of getting to the top and forgetting the ones who got you there. At one point Bittrex would really take the time to fix customer issues and tickets would be handled within 24-48hrs. As time progressed and they became more popular they were less concerned with customer service and more concerned with gouging coins for listings.

With Binanace leading the charge it is clear that when you truly take the time to put your customers first, everyone is able to grow happy and healthy. Sorry to see it happen but I hope this gets them to kick things into high gear in regard to customer service and overall user experience.


The world would be stopped if the innovation doesnt take place at a great pace. And bittrex continues to play background type of game. People dont like that

Ive never used bittrex but Iam glad to see the demise of Poloniex! It was a long time coming but their customer service was woeful!

Poloniex was my first exchange and man was it terrible. So stuck in their ways of gorvleft behind.

I’m happy to see Binance dominating the market, they have great infrastructure and so far have been very transparent with customers.

And very generous with rewards

Bittrex is a prime example of getting to the top and forgetting the ones who got you there.

Food for thought. I've been thinking about this, knowing that Steem is a system where you need the support of others in order to grow. I've seen many who grow and then act like it's just what they deserve and don't reply to any comment or even leave a vote that is not for their own posts. On the other hand, I see people who are overly generous with everyone, no matter if they've ever supported them.

I'm a bit sad to see Bittrex go lower in the rankings. It's one of my preferred exchanges. Binance runs a bit slowly on my computer, but the support seems to be more accessible.

I wonder what the future will bring. Thanks for the thoughts.

Yea I guess that example could be applied here as well, sad to see but its true.

Bittrex has all the tools to be great, they just need to get help on the support lines.

this is a bad news 😑 anyways we can't say this is the downfall of Bittrex, things fall only to rise again 😊

Meh not all bad. If they are properly run they will what is wrong and move forward.

This sucks
I use bittrex , hope they get back on track quickly

I use them occasionally. They need to get their act together.

Bittrex really dropped the ball last year when it came to listing new crypto's. Binance has been the place to be to get the most popular, newest crypto's ever since last summer. Kucoin sometimes tries to steal it's thunder away by being even earlier with listing crypto's, but doesn't seem to succeed just yet.

The terrible customer service probably plays a role too, but it's the better variety of coins that made me jump ship.

Also, I went through your profile page and saw a bunch of interesting posts, so I decided to give you a follow! Feel free to have a look at my content too, I too write about crypto :)

Yea they were on a throne charging up the behind for listings and binance offered a great lifeboat. Kucoin is ok from time to time but not my primary location. I sent a follow as well.

This makes me glad I don’t have anything in my bittrex wallet!

Bitrex seams to be aligning themselves to be regulation compliant with the SEC, So they are foregoing short term gains, to hopefully be a dominant force after the SEC puts together its regulatory guidelines. This is very apparent by the de-listing of a lot of tokens over the past 6 months, and not really adding to many new ones.

You know I had this thought as well, but if that was the case why delist some and not all? There are still a good amount of coins on there that could considered red flags and delisted. So I wonder what their true motive is.

This is what happens when company starts to loose quality no matter how great the company is...First priority is serving customers well once the effort is less so severe does the fall occur....

Trends change

I think this is excellent to see. A true example of the free market and how if you neglect your consumers they will find another place to shop. This shows that it is the consumer that has the power and not necessarily the exchange. As a long time user of Bittrex, its just good to see that people aren't happy with the status quo

Inspite of being a US exchange I don't understand why bittrex is so backdated... I started with them and after that moved to BINANCE

No competition. No innovation

Hopefully Binance continues to see the error of those they inherited the altcoin kingdom from. Though I eagerly await some more UI friendly and liquid DEXs

And we are waiting delicious gluten free pizza

This is a really interesting observation. I wonder what the likely hood of Bittrex disappearing over night is...

This won’t happen, owners are not anonymous.

Made the switch from gdax to binance, never looked back.

Found this video by their CEO interesting:

I tried to sign up with poloniex in october 2017. I'm still waiting for a reply to the ticket I opened about a sign up problem.

Do you think I'm near the front of the queue now? Lol

I think the line caught on fire lol

Didn't they implement some rather large opening balance requirements recently, effectively stopping newer traders with less capital from joining? I don't really like that at all.

I think that was bitfinix.

Ah yes, I think you're right.