COINXION... Global Currency Reserve (GCR) BOOM!!!

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Acquire as much GCR coin as you can now...

Important update from founders of coinxion online shopping mall that will increase gcr coin value.

Here is an update for everyone and a bit of a background on the challenges we have had to face while creating the platform.

Since we 1st started the Coinxion project in October 2015 till now, their have been huge developments in the Crypto Currency Industry. What we had 1st started out building back in 2015, has changed enormously over time as more developements come out. We plan on being a leader in the field of Crypo Curruncy, so everytime something new gets released in the industry we update our system to be inline with those developements. Some of those changes have extended out time frames, but we have chosen to make the changes as we have gone along so that when we go LIVE, we are up to date with everything that is available.
This is all being done so that we can justify why the GCR coin is worth the value of 1 GR of Gold..

We just made some big changes to the website that will put us into a position of bringing in millions of exisiting customers. Daniel has been working with some of the developers of other coins that already have big user bases, those coins will also be accepted on Coinxion as well. We had to make some changes to the site to be able to facilitate this customer base.

We are now at the tail end of the developements, most of the functionalities of the website are flowing correctly, we now just need to start building in the financial transactions and flow of how all the currencies work with each other.

Just know that if we take a bit longer to get the job completed, its because we have to make changes, which are to improve the system so that we all benifit more from CoinXion being the best ecommerce platform their is online.

As we have said many times, we are not some MLM, HYPE money making system, we are a Crypto Currency Utility. If you are a shareholder of CoinXion then you know that the changes we make or whatever we do before we launch the system is to increase the value of your shares and the annual return you will get.
If you are a GCR coin holder and you are just wanting us to go LIVE so you can use the system or sell off your GCR, then you just have to wait till we are ready to go LIVE.

If you feel better having a date, then here is a date. We will go LIVE on 31st December 2017. We may choose to change that date and go LIVE earlier than that date. But now you have a date so you can stop asking when. You can now start thinking we are going LIVE on 31st December 2017. But you may wake up one day to discover we went LIVE earlier.


FIrstly I want to know how come there is no road map on GCR website?
Seondly there is no info about the developers and their experiences.
I cant seem to find any real info on this GCR coin.
Do you have a white paper?
How come you have been around since 2015 and still not much info regarding your project....

It's a scam coin. The coin is dead, the websites are ran by the ex owner that no longer supports the project. Now they have a new random team of people trying to pursue the project but it still sounds like a scam. Admins in the telegram channel attack and censor comments of anyone asking too many questions. They banned me, all good though. I'll keep telling people about their bullshit until they fall out of the game. Just try and find ANY info on them. There isn't any. Even their FB page is just them posting BS and no one liking or commenting.

Bardzo możliwe, że platforma Coinxion zostanie otwarta w połowie Maja 2018r. W tej chwili rzekomo trwają testy mobilnych portfeli GCR. #polish #kryptowaluty #Coinxion #GCR #zarobek

Mamy sierpień a tajnego zespołu,tajnego projektu ani widać ani słychać

Ostatnio zaczęło coś iskrzyć z kursem jednak ostatecznie szybko został zbity prawdopodobnie przez FUD. Rzekomo na początku września ma być jakiś przełom, ale jak to w krypto, życie zweryfikuje czas pokaże. Tak czy siak można było na GCR zarobić kupę szmalu kupując po 200 kilka sato sprzedając ostatnio w okolicach 3000 sato. W najlepszym układzie ok 1600% w kilka miesięcy.