The Evolution of Loyalty Programs: Qiibee!!

in #crypto6 years ago


One of the most commonly used marketing tools by companies is loyalty programs, since it is easier to keep a customer than to win a new one, loyalty programs have multiple benefits, the best of which is that they turn a customer into the promoter and evangelist of the company, attracting new customers through their family and friends. According to numerous studies, it has been observed that it costs 5 to 10 times more to win a new customer than to keep an established customer, and it has been verified that an established customer earns 60% more than a new one, all this leads to the conclusion that loyalty programs are an indispensable tool for a company seeking to increase its sales.

The U.S. market is constantly growing within the loyalty programs industry, many companies are taking risks to find new ways to win customers, because it's not enough to just offer discounts, now is the time to get to know them and be part of them.

Companies are constantly struggling to attract customers, increase their sales, be innovative, have a diversity of products and services.... If this is not enough, they must also face the competition that in turn do the same to earn the minds and pockets of their customers.

There are so many companies implementing loyalty programs that this has created a small problem for customers: the amount of cards, coupons and cards they have from various companies is too many to carry around with them all the time.

This causes that many times the customer loses control of the points or stamps that are generated or that at the moment of going to buy something forgets his loyalty card, this problem could be fixed with the implementation of a digital platform and that is what Qiibee offers.

What is Qiibee?


Qiibee is an ecosystem based on blockchain technology which offers a space for loyalty programs, this platform constantly strives to evolve so that companies and customers have better interaction with each other and benefit from each other, Qiibee's plan is to grab this fragmented and united market within a blockchain ecosystem to make it safe, transparent and traceable, free of any fiasco or deception.


Qiibee implements a currency called QBX that is based on the Ethereum blockchain that is used for all types of transactions within its platform, customers can even exchange their loyalty points for these tokens and then convert them into other currencies or even dollars or euros.


The most outstanding feature of Qiibee is that all loyalty programs contained within the platform and tokens used by companies will be in one place, making it easy for customers to stay current on rewards, the price of loyalty points for your exchange and the exchange of these to other currencies or even other loyalty points of a different company, all this from a wallet type application, is a new way of looking at loyalty programs that will change the perspective of customers and companies and give them a good experience.

The Companies

For businesses, Qibee will offer everything they need to run their loyalty programs within the blockchain, have the interface, infrastructure and blockchain so they can create their own application easily, it will be a plug and play solution that will not be expensive to produce.

The first thing companies have to do is to establish a budget for their loyalty program and then they will be awarded QBX tokens, companies will decide the price of their loyalty points and how customers will earn them, they can also enter a large community of users of these programs within the Qiibee ecosystem.

The Users

The main attraction of Qiibee for users will be its function of exchanging their rewards in the form of QBX tokens from one company to another, users will be able to exchange their Zara points for Wendys points and buy a hamburger instead of a garment. This feature allows users to use their points in the best way they like and never waste their points or expire, and they can also send loyalty points to friends or family, or exchange their points for kryptonite to get more out of their value.


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