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RE: Bias

in #crypto6 years ago

Thanks for relating your experience. Mine is similar but I missed the early Bitcoin boat. I stumbled upon Bitcoin somewhere around 2011-2012 time period. I am not a very techie person in terms of bits and bytes but I did know what I was looking at...while also not knowing what I was looking at. I told myself I have to put $500 into this....of course, I'll do it later took over as other things distracted me. Hence, no buying of BTC at that time.

I am called a shill or cheerleader for STEEM. That I have blind allegiance. Actually, being optimistic does not mean overlooking some of the challenges. We all know there are issues but there are issues with everything. That doesnt deter from the long term prospects of this blockchain.

I feel fortunate to be in cryptocurrency right now. Even though we moved a long way from the days of 2013-2015 in terms of pricing, we still are very early. The adoption of crypto-economics that comes from web 3.0 is going to take years. We are maybe a couple years into a decade long growth phase.

It is going to be fun.