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RE: Bias

in #crypto6 years ago

I call myself a "late bloomer" ;) I remember when BTC came out and scoffed at it. I remember talking with others at the time and we all thought WTF is this? Laughing. We were at the time into metals. Yep I'm a metal head at heart. I'm no tech-ie and back then I was worse with it all. You had to actually kinda know what you were doin' to actually acquire BTC from what I understand. It wasn't just clickin' some buttons and spending some fiat and presto ...into your wallet it was. I wasn't interested in it anyways at the time. I watched it again at $40 and up and up it went. I'm now a big believer in CryPto's in general and am slowly building a portfolio for the future with fiat I don't need (key) when I can. I'm learning along the way and still am confused on many things but accumulation seems to be working out. Is CrYpto here to stay? I believe so due to monsters like Goldman Sux buying Poloniex. I don't think they would do that unless they believed in it as well. I also believe that in the future they'll be dumping world debt into the cRypTo market just as they do with stocks and real estate to hide true inflation. This is when the numbers will explode IMO. You see they always need a new market to hide the debt when they destroy the old means to do so. these are just opinions of mine and I suppose what I'm trying to say through this rant is even though I consider myself a "late bloomer" with loads still to learn..... I'm still an "early adopter" here with the rest of you. I learn lot's from all of you and I thank you for that!