Minnows have been visiting and pooling their resources to build a whale pool since the beginning of Steemit. But never has it been done before on a grand scale like this!
Now You Can Buy On SteemThat or For Fast Results On Radex Exchange.
WHICH WE HAVE MADE IT EASIER TO BUY STISH Than Steem!Today is Saturday for me and many of you know what that means. I'm jumping up and down with Joy as we process this weeks Stish purchases and buy Steem to fund the whale pool. In the past few weeks are have been adding steem to @steemish but this week to get poor @steemlist our of the hole so she can actually vote a few times per day we are adding the Steem And Steem Power @steemlist. We do this every Saturday unless there are no or very low sales. Last week we only had 225 Stish Sold On Radex and we just launched the buy Stish on https://SteemThat.com so not every week is going to be huge until we make it easier to buy!
How much more does the whale pool have after today?
Let me tell you it wasn't a huge amount but every little bit adds up. All of use whales will one day be dolphins or whales ourselves as we continue to pool small amounts. * Today Stish Sales increased the Whale Pool By.....Drum... Roll...Please.......*
It was just a little over 4.2 in Steem Power! We have to start somewhere and this is where we start.
Every week when we do what we say we will do, people see that they can trust us to run this and that will add more confidence as the weeks go by. We really are growing the community minnow by minnow and are enjoying every minute of it.
You Can See The Trade On Etherscan:
What Is SteemThat?
https://SteemThat.com is a minnow support community that allows people from Steemit or outsiders trying to learn, join and participate in a community drive growth model. Members have access to tools and guides and auto share and groups, and private chats and all the stuff that a social media website should have in todays world. It is super easy to connect with members and make friends and share your steemit posts and success stories or epic failures. SteemThat.com is working on integrating more with the Steem Blockchain to allow members a unique experience!
What is Stish and Why Did You Build It?
Stish is the symbol for our Crypto Currency Steemish which was built on the Ethereum Blockchain. It is an ERC-20 Token. Stish has utility as it is used to purchase services inside of SteemThat.com and other websites we plan to build in the coming years.
Stish Solved 3 Things For Us.
- Stish allowed us to tokenize our existing rewards based structure of Equitable Proof Of Stake called Steem That Rewards Tokens. There are limited supply of both and only 5% of all Stish will be made up from EPOS earnings on SteemThat.com. Now those rewards points can be exchanged for Stish and be sold on Exchanges!
- Stish helps us solve the fear of investing into whale pools. Far too often people have taken Steem or SBD in return for upvotes or resteems etc and not delivered. Some people have donated large sums of money to minnow support groups to later be kicked out for some made up reasoning. Losing all of their funds usually. Others just didn't believe in what the minnow support group was doing any more and left leaving their donated funds behind.
Not ANY MORE Now if you want to exit the whale pool and group you can wait until the value of your Stish is in your comfort zone range and make a sell order and change your position in Stish so that you do not take a loss. You helped the community grow, you helped yourself grow and you might even still have some Stish to show for it! Wouldn't that be nice.
- Stish can also give investors some peace of mind as we are not running away with the funds. We have a detailed budget of how we plan to allocate resources and have kept every promise we have made to date. We even kept our promise that if Steemit failed to launch their SMT at the first of 2018, as promised we would launched on Ethereum. Stish in this way serves as both a semi escrow and the foundation for the whale pool.
This post has received a 13.79% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @steemish. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at https://steemit.com/~witnesses.
Excellent News. Just Simply Excellent News!
This is beyond excellent news...It's Epic News! Simply Epic News!
If I earn anything.
I'm glad you post every Saturday about how much more the whale pool grows. Looking forward to seeing them very big and helping alot of us minnows. It is so hard to earn anything now. If it were not for https://SteemThat.com I would not get much I don't think.
I'm not sure exactly how much Stish we will sale during the main Token Event as we are just getting ramped up. Now with Stish being able to be purchased on Radex at pre-ICO pricing and on https://SteemThat.com easily it might move alot faster than we can even handle. It would be nice to crash Ethereum with our ICO!