Journey of SoC

in #crypto3 years ago

I am a Crypto enthusiast. I've recently taken some inspiration from one of my mentors and have started trying to spread the crypto knowledge that I have gained from my time studying the technology. I know everyone sees things differently, but for me once I got a base level understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain my mind started opening up to all the amazing possibilities this technology has. The world could be a much better place I think if more people understood and used blockchain, hence why I'm trying to help the adoption by helping people get a good understanding of how the stuff works and how it can benefit their lives.

I got the point where I exacerbated all of the people in my life who I could attempt to tell about crypto. So I started a study group to try to reach out to more people. SoC - School of Crypto, is name of the group. We started about a month ago. At this point we've gotten a Telegram and Discord chats going for the group, and have been making simple educational videos for people to start learning. Received some good feedback up to this point so I hope the content has helped someone on their path down the crypto road.

I will leave some links below is anyone would like to check out the group or video channels.

Telegram link -

Discord link -

Odysee link -

3speak link -
