For cryptofans maybe right now they little bit pessimistic about crypto. The bitcoin is currently down sliding to 6200$. But, I think this is the best time to invest in crypto. And there is one of the better way to do that, Cryptassist.
What Is Cryptassist?
Well, as you can see from its name, this ecosystem provides crypto lovers easier access to crypto world and also connecting the fiat currency or event real products transaction with crypto much easier. Cryptassist is also has their own currency which will be called CTA. But for me personally, there are more exciting features from Cryptassist than just another ICO like others. Using Direct Acyclic Graph, which in fact is the new generations of the blockchain, Cryptassist will be able to process up to 3,500 transactions per second. This is by far the best indicator that anyone has been able to achieve using blockchain technology. There are 3 prominent features that makes me excited.
Real Debit Card for Crypto and Fiat Currency, OW YEAH!
One of the most prominent features from Cryptassist is the Debit Card. This Debit card can hold Fiat Currency such as dollar, and else. But, the kicker is you can put about 50 famous cryptocurrencies in this Debit Card and convert it to CTA that will be easily can conveniently convert to fiat currency if you want to do transaction. This Debit card also can do normal transaction for shopping in Visa or Mastercard merchant. So, you don't have to convert your crypto in marketplace to fiat than transfer it to your bank to do the transaction. Just put it all in your Debit, and lets do the shopping.
CryptoGo Game
Do you like PokemonGo with crypto rewards? That is offered by Crytpoassist! CryptoGo will airdrop REAL ICO and established coins in many real places around the world. Than you will get the information about the location and the time, after that you just use your phone camera to 'capture' the coin. Easy right!
Cryptassist Cryptstarter
You know kickstarter? Usually, start ups or new projects use kickstarter to do the crowdfunding. Now, Cryptassist also creates that service. Using Cryptostarter, creators can do the crowdfunding using cryptos or fiat currency. Using crypto will expand the the potential source of funding and also expand the benefit of crypto itself. The creators will have full control about the project and the backers will always get full detailed information about the projects before involve in crowdsourcing.
There are so many more benefits of Cryptassist, such as onlines Cryptassist shop, virtual assistant for ICO, etc. I suggest you read the Whitepaper to know more (link below), and check their website NOW! Because the ICO already start from 28 June until August 11th!!!!
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username steemit: @silabus