Thinking of investing into Cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin but not sure how?

in #crypto6 years ago

CRYPTO-BLOG-RT-966x1024.pngYou’ve heard of all the crazy success stories of teenagers becoming multi-millionaires and are gutted you didn’t buy Bitcoin last year when it was $700 and now it’s $6000?

You’re concerned that this may all be a Ponzi scheme or a big bubble you’re too late to the party for?

I personally have stated on record many times of my distrust for Cryptocurrencies between 2009-2016. However, my INVESTOR definition of being an idiot is stubbornly refusing to change your stance or opinion despite the environment and facts around you changing. Yes, I was an idiot of the highest order until last year. As a result, I’ve lost out on £5m profit from indecision and procrastination.

So, like any successful investor, if you want to invest in something, first you MUST understand it. You need to learn what it is, how it’s created, how it flows, who plays with it, who has most to gain and lose and more importantly, how can you capitalise on the asset whilst safely mitigating risk…?

If you don’t know these things, then you are simply gambling. Investors do not gamble. They may speculate on volatile assets using stats and fact and ‘low-risk-high-probability-outcomes’, but they do not gamble.

So here is a free low-risk-high-probability-outcome for you. Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and more importantly the technology behind it, Blockchain, is here to stay. This IS the evolution of Money happening right in front of us and is as big as when Humans transitioned from Bartering to Coined Money.

Is it all a Bubble? Yup. The biggest mankind has ever seen. The blowout will be spectacular. Does this mean you should steer clear? Definitely NOT! With events like this it’s extremely easy to profit from as the only constant in the history of over 5000 years of Markets is that despite an ever-changing world of variables, the only true constant is human nature.

Now is the best time in your life to leap frog up in terms of personal net worth. Just like we had the Tech Bubble from 1997-2001, this is simply the Tech Bubble 2.0 from 2017-2021 perhaps. Regardless of the dates, it would be negligent of you to ignore this opportunity.

Banks, Billionaires and Countries are diving into Blockchain tech and Cryptos in order to get ahead of the curve. It’s here to stay and as the public are naively asleep at the wheel like always, NOW is the best time to get in. When the public wake up and pile into this sector, that’s when your fortunes will be made and when you need to exit. That’s just the first opportunity. There are more…

So what should you do right now? You need to EDUCATE yourself!

As a publicly trusted investor, business owner and educator, I have put together a vast amount of resources and training materials in the form of a Cryptocurrency Investing Crash Course combined with a buzzing private FB group where you can make friends with other positive knowledge and success hungry individuals to learn more and keep up to date from myself. This is a RAPIDLY moving market. Trust me, you NEED on-going support!

It’s important you decide to take action and don’t dilly dally. I’ve just updated the whole course and increased the content and length. So at midday on Thursday 2nd November the course will increase to £197 instead of the £99 where it is now.

Just go to and join the family.

You’ll learn everything you need to know so you can go from someone with zero knowledge to someone more competent with Cryptos than 99.99% of the population. But for your perusal, here are the contents:

SECTION 1 – Getting ready to invest…

1.1 Opening your 2 main Crypto accounts and why I use these.

1.2 The different types of wallet and understanding the basic processes of having and using a wallet.

1.3 Creating your Bitcoin Paper wallet.

1.4 Creating your Ether Paper wallet.

SECTION 2 – Understanding what on Earth all of this is…

2.1 The differences between Money Vs Currencies.

2.2 What’s a Fiat currency and why nearly EVERYONE in the crypto space is mistaking cryptos for money when they are not.

2.3 What is a Blockchain, why it’s going to consume the world and why does it matter?

2.4 What are Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and how are they different to Paypal?

2.5 What the hell is a Smart Contract and the big buzz about Ethereum?

2.6 How much longevity is there in Cryptos and why do I think it’s not a fad?

2.7 How to really understand the big picture here with the Crypto Industry at the moment, what ICOs are and how to spot good Cryptos.

SECTION 3 – Getting to grips with the Exchanges and moving Cryptos around.

3.1 Re-cap of how to transfer GBP/EUR/USD to your crypto exchange.

3.2 Converting your GBP/EUR/USD into Altcoins (AKA buying your cryptos).

3.3 How to convert your Altcoins back into GBP/USD/GBP for when you want to extract some profit in the future.

3.4 Pinging your altcoins between exchanges.

3.5 Depositing and Withdrawing Bitcoin into and from your Paper Wallet.

3.6 Depositing and Withdrawing Ethereum into and from your Paper Wallet.

3.7 Depositing ERC20 Tokens to My Ether Wallet & a recap about Cold Wallets

SECTION 4 – Time to start investing…

4.1 The 2 Crypto Strategies to nail this market and the importance of NOT trying to pick the winners!

4.2 Revealing the Top 20 Coins To Get In! (There’s a twist here). The Tech Bubble Will Give Us Some Clues…

4.3 Fine Tuning Your BS Detector

4.4 NEO! The next Ethereum! It’s the Chinese equivalent and is potentially huge…

4.5 Creating your NEO Wallet in order to claim your GAS!

4.6 OMG! Banking the Unbanked!

4.7 Cardano. The new Western Ethereum Challenger.

4.8 SAFEX. Possibly a future Blockchain based market place?

4.9 Setting up your portfolio tracking account so you know at a glance how your portfolio is doing.

4.10 How to invest in an ICO safely.

4.11 The best mobile app to stay current with Altcoin news & charting software for your phone to help identify buying opportunities.

SECTION 5 – The HUGE drawbacks with Altcoins, why it will all crumble and how you can massively use this to your advantage…

5.1 The big problem with Bitcoin, what is a hard fork and why should you care?

5.2 The big problem with Ethereum.

5.3 The shady area for Ripple.

5.4 Being alert about Crypto MLMs.

5.5 A Caution for Crypto investors.

5.6 Be cautious about Mining.

SECTION 6 – Finishing School…

6.1 Recap of the 2 Strategies and the basic flow chart of what to do.

6.2 Crypto interview Part 1

6.3 Crypto interview Part 2

6.4 Nick Szabo the Father of Cryptos.

6.5 Crypto Presentation to my Traders in Early 2017.

6.6 Diversification is for Idiots.

6.7 What the hell is Risk Capital & Cashflow?

6.8 Some questions from the FB Group.

6.9 Knowing when to exit and what’s next?

Hope this has helped and I look forward to seeing how you get on with the course: