Biohacker closely follow the development of technology, some of which have recently proposed to close the information under the skin. Journalists Motherboard talked to Amala Graafstra (Amal Graafstra), founder biohackers of the company Dangerous Things, to see some of his new prototypes.
One of these prototypes is a small chip UKI compatible with NFC technology. It seems, it will soon be integrating cryptographic keys into their bodies.
Implantable chips may well be used not to carry physical keys, but more interesting is how they change the attitude to the problem of confidentiality. UKI will allow users of cryptocurrencies to carry cryptographic keys in their bodies, not stored somewhere in the outside world. This further brings the digital and physical identity of the person.
To apply this technology are very wide — as example is cryptographic proof that a certain action is performed precisely. In addition, UKI to develop applications related to transit and bitcoin wallets.
I was just thinking along these lines earlier, I work at a grocery store and I was imagining what shopping will be like when we don't have to wait in line any more.