The SWARM Research Report 8/3/18

in #crypto6 years ago



We are currently aware of an issue with the data we are pulling in. We are investigating this matter and we will follow up with more information shortly.

Swarm Fund‏ @TheSwarmFund
Catch today's live video Friday Weekly Wrap-up on our page -

rich@makerdao‏ @richatmakerdao
Another stellar Governance and Risk call with a cast of @MakerDAO luminaries. We cover: the Stability Fee raise, why it's a better TRFM, policy tools, and how we are shaped by Impossible Trinity. These are rapidly becoming the highlight of my week...

Abel Tedros‏ @abeltedros_
I still get chills watching this video! Love what the @AragonProject team are working on! If like me you're super excited about this project, check out Aragon Nest to get involved -

Daniel Larimer‏ @bytemaster7
I just published “Proposal for EOS Resource Renting & Rent Distribution”

DAOstack‏ @daostack
#DAOstack partner @gnosisPM's DutchX seeks to become the first Dutch auction decentralized exchange  and an open platform for the fair price finding of #tokens. #dApps

DAOstack‏ @daostack
#DAOstack GEN has been added to @Coinswitch, a #cryptocurrency service that allows users to swap 300+ different cryptocurrencies with each other. #Token holders can convert their cryptocurrency into $GEN, or vice-versa, with a small transaction fee.

Evan Van Ness‏ @evan_van_ness
.@MakerDAO's dai is a better store of value than Bitcoin

sicarious‏ @Sicarious_
You can smell the panic in the air this week. A few thoughts: After buying #bitcoin at $1000 late 2013 (the equivalent of last year's $20k buyers), I rode it down to sub $200 & thought crypto might be dead. Both BTC & Alts had their day in the sun again.

Secondly, 90% of the alts I owned in 2015 don't exist anymore & I can't even remember half the tickers. This presents both a warning & an opportunity, take from it what you will.

The billions of dollars currently being poured into infrastructure supporting the $crypto industry is very compelling. #Bitcoin and altcoins are here to stay. And finding winners that will emerge from this purge has never been easier.

That said, I'm hurting right now too. Definitely used better risk management & patience than last time around, but I still started scaling in too soon. Crypto bear markets bite deeeeep. Sleeping easy though, this not being my first rodeo.

Survive, learn, grow, adapt, make mistakes, and execute even better next cycle. The sun shines tomorrow.

VeChain Foundation‏ @vechainofficial
In combination with DNV GL, we introduce our Drug and Vaccine Traceability Solution. It will be deployed in Shanghai, serving 30 million individuals, and will soon be rolled out across China. It will be showcased at the China International Import Expo.

      Crypto Bravehearts‏ @Master91Builder
The only one positive thing in this REKT market is #VeChain $ven $vet So many huge partnerships ,developments , progress ,work ,vision ,finding solutions and solving problems for humanity and nowadays society - this is @vechainofficial Is bigger than $eth

Pantera Capital‏ @PanteraCapital
@PanteraCapital has invested into @bakktapp, the digital asset exchange from @NYSE. Co-investors include @Microsoft , @BCG , and other strategic investors. Represents a huge step in the evolution of cryptocurrency.

Phil ‏ @PhilCrypto77
The longer we stay “down” and “sideways” all while pipeline, plumbing, and infrastructure is being built for institutions... the bigger the next bull run will inevitably be.

      AwyeeBitcoin‏ @DeaterBob
Remember the last bear when all these big companies started to accept BTC as payment and nothing happened? And then 2 year later........

      Phil ‏ @PhilCrypto77
Yeah, I’d argue retail infrastructure built during 2014/2015 led to the bull though

      AwyeeBitcoin‏ @DeaterBob
That and the halving

Frank Chaparro‏ @fintechfrank
A year ago, executives at the major stock exchanges would describe crypto as "a fad," "dangerous" and "nothing they were taking seriously." Today NYSE announced a project with Microsoft and Starbucks to create a digital asset ecosystem. The tune change has been massive.

Mike Dudas‏ @mdudas
Starbucks is the smartest retailer in the world at payments. Their support of “pay for coffee with Bitcoin” is better than your Twitter hot take that “people should never pay for anything with a speculative asset.”

From @Starbucks' perspective, there are some interesting implications on FX / conversion if I'm able to pay off my Starbucks Card in the mobile app in the same currency globally. If Starbucks adopts Bitcoin for this use case, goodbye and good night @Ripple $XRP.

Luke Martin‏ @VentureCoinist
First long $ETH trade in a while. I like it under $420, on the back of a nice $btc bounce today. It helps that $eth is also along the channel support, which has been a historically good guide of cheap....close below 406 and I'm out

First long $ETH trade in a while. I like it under $420 at this support, on the back of a nice $btc bounce today. Close below 406$ and its void. Helps that $ETH is along channel support in bitcoin terms too, which has historically been a sign of cheap.

DonAlt‏ @CryptoDonAlt
Nailing the altcoin bottom is extremely difficult. I managed to do it last time but I'm not willing to risk missing the ship so I'm buying early this time. I'm more than willing to lose 20-30% on these and I hold far more BTC than alts. Just started my positions, adding later.


Nicole Rainey
Today the ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) announced that it’s building a new crypto ecosystems called “Bakkt”. There’s a lot of pro’s and con’s listed in this article but here are some of the noteworthy ones I’ve summed up on this ‘double-edge sword’.
○Shows that institutions are moving WITH cryptocurrencies, not againsts
○Build credibility--qualified custodians recognized by the SEC are needed for large institutional investors to be able to play ball
○Will attract corporate issuers to raise capital via Bakkt
○Allows for more manipulation opportunities of coins if there are more financial claims per coins available
○“Eventually it’s likely regulators will approve bitcoin-settled derivatives among major derivatives counter parties. At that point, banks will be looking to borrow the underlying bitcoin
○This may make it hard to borrow crypto for a period of time because those who HODL rarely use custodians
Why should you care?
We all know a lot of BTC’s value derives from it’s algorithmically-based scarcity factor (aka there will only ever be an estimated 21 million coins) If Wall Street can suddenly create claims to bitcoin out of thin air, unbacked by actual the actual bitcoin, then there’s the potential for Wall Street to offset some of that scarcity. Something to be aware of in the upcoming years.
Original Link:

      Sasha Fleyshman
Lending BTC without the underlying asset is a fools errand.
Beauty of BTC is that it doesn’t give a shit what everyone else does in terms of fundamentals. If someone is dumb enough to over extend and buy a scarce asset, backed by nothing, they deserve to get burned - and they will get burned.
Surprising that they went through with this after the OKEX debacle.
It continues to make no sense why people opt to buy bitcoin services when it is so easy to just buy bitcoin itself.
ETFs make a little more sense because it allows for bitcoin to be wrapped into bigger portfolios, but lending btc? Yikes.

Tom Prop
For all you Vechain haters out there
Say fake partnership one more time...
“In combination with DNV GL, we introduce our Drug and Vaccine Traceability Solution. It will be deployed in Shanghai, serving 30 million individuals, and will soon be rolled out across China. It will be showcased at the China International Import Expo”

      Alex Moody
This is the one of the biggest announcements in Crypto history. This isn't a hypothetical use-case, but an actual, already designed and implemented blockchain solution for one of the largest programs in the globe sponsored by the Nation of China.

John Antonio
After many months of hard work, failures, firings, and question marks, I’m excited to finally announce Cryptosheets!

Ciaran Morrall
Very new to ‘day trading’ .
Basically before the big crypto crash I invested £300 into BTC on gdax. The price fell alittle but I thought to myself ‘it will go back up soon enough’ and obivously it didn’t.
I forgot about my account and now it’s worth £118.
Should I close the trade and accept the lose now or,
Carry on learning day trading and leave the trade till I know what to do with the money.
Smart advice would be appreciated guys.
(By the way £300 is a fairly large amount to me, still a work man on minimum wage sadly. Please take that into account before answering)
Cheers guys.

      Jeremy Kochel
A question you have to ask yourself and only you will know the answer is "Can you live without that 118?" If so.......just let it sit.

      Seth McGathey
Highly recommend leaving it for now (and this is coming from someone who often speaks against HODLing and for trading). But I usually recommend that people hold their coins until they know how to trade better. (This can take years to get good at). And so maybe take an amount that you do not consider a lot, and trade it a little, see how you do, and see if you out can win more than you lose. Then you can try it will a little more.

But right now is a good time to hold on in my opinion. The market is showing signs of a bull market, and so selling now might mean you are selling at the bottom.

      Vygantas Zv
300 pounds are more than half of average salary in my country so I understand you...basically what happened is, that u bought btc for hgher price than it is now...if it is worth 118 pounds, I assume u bought btc at around 19k usd, which means december,when many ppl got fomoed and got fucked up the future, u never buy on the rise or top, u buy the dips. For now ur options are: a) sell at a loss and get into some alts or icos and try to make up or that loss, b) hold and wait for a bull run, which will make ur loss smaller, c) try to swing btc and dollar cost average. Options a and c require research and certain knowledge. The thing is, that u just see the value in usd, but until u actually sell, loss is only on paper...

Alexander Hagen
One of my favourite free Fundamental sources has to be Cryptopanic. They have all the news of all projects. Just fill in the ticker and you will find all articles and posts regarding that project. I started using it in February and it has improved a lot since then.

I also like how you can comment on each post with bullish, bearish, toxic etc.

Give it a try, it will definitely cut down research time on Reddit, Google etc.


Aurora (IDEX) Not Giving Away ETH@Aurora_dao
$Heal by @etheal_com has been added
$ONG by @Ong_Social has been added
$RGE by @rougetoken has been added
$SCRL (Scroll) by @OfficialScroll has been added

Stocks.Exchange‏ @StocksExchangeR
Dear Users, the next coins have been removed from BTC market. New pairs were created for these coins. Enjoy the upgraded trading!!! SKILL/ETH, SHF/ETH, COI/ETH, TRCN/ETH, EXD/LTC, STRN/LTC, LTCP/LTC, KKC/LTC, EDL/LTC, RICH/TC

Stocks.Exchange‏ @StocksExchangeR
Dear Stocks Exchangers, the following coins have been already delisted from BTC market. Still you can trade these coins in the following markets. NANJ/USDT, BHD/ETH, AC3/ETH, ADL/ETH, VIT/LTC, FLS/ETH, FERMA/LTC, OMG/ETH, TIN/ETH, XBR/LTC, VIT/ETH, VIT/NXT, FERMA/ETH, NEXO/USDT, MEDIC/ETH, ICC/ETH, VIT/USDT, CRT/ETH, DNR/ETH

Stocks.Exchange‏ @StocksExchangeR
Dear Users! The following coins have been already delisted from Stocks Exchange! Please, withdraw your coins within 30 days: F0ME, EBCH, ECR, XLC, PGX, TRDT, FRAS, CTT, IC, NX8, ORE, CST, EOS, OMB, WCO, BTGA, MCH, RAP, VTAR, OID, LCE, BWK, BRF, XM, DIGIFEL, HPP, MGC, SAROS, XAX, MGN, BRC, PLURA, XBCN, OASIS, NYX, LTK, GRS, MUN

Binance‏ @binance
#Binance Distributes #VTHO
#Binance Has Distributed July #GAS and #ONG

MERCATOX‏ @MercatoxCom
COMIKETCOIN (CMIT) market added COMIKETCOIN (CMIT) added to the listing. CMIT/BTC market is available for trading.

UpCoin_Exchange‏ @UpCoin_Exchange
Hello, UPcoin Community! We are happy to announce that UPcoin Exchange is now listed on Livecoinwatch!

Cryptopia Exchange‏ @Cryptopia_NZ
Hi Cryptopians! We would like to inform our users of the availability to swap Cypherfunks $FUNK for a new ERC20 token, SONIQ. The swap ends on 7/8/18 at 12:00 PM UTC and Cryptopia is not participating in this swap. Find out more about the swap here

Cryptopia Exchange‏ @Cryptopia_NZ
Cryptopia will be supporting the Nullex $NLX swap. Please complete any old NLX coin deposits to Cryptopia before 6 August at 12:00 AM UTC. Find out more about the swap here

Cryptopia Exchange‏ @Cryptopia_NZ
Hi Cryptopians! We are happy to announce the opening of the new Augur Reputation (REP) contract! Please note the name change. Deposits, withdraws, and trade markets are now open, all previous REP trade orders have been canceled and balances returned. Happy trading!

KUCOIN‏ @kucoincom
The Second Portion of ONT Airdrop Based on NEO Holdings is Complete See the official announcement here:


Dan- "Token holders can lend their EOS at a fee in exchange for some loss of liquidity for the duration of the loan. There is no risk of losing capital to the lender."
by timosborn

“Proposal for EOS Resource Renting & Rent Distribution”

Scatter, for all browsers.
by grandmoren

Updates time!

There's a new importable JavaScript library called scatter-js.

It can be freely imported into any web or desktop javascript app. npm i --save scatter-js

This library completely removes the need for extensions, and makes Scatter Desktop compatible with all browsers ( Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Safari, IE ).

However, it also catches the extension ( Scatter Classic ) if that is what the user has installed, so you can instantly use it in your projects.

is dash dead?
by Hairstylist001

I got this shit at $500
how come it has a weak community / followers?,
How come they let this coin go down to 203$
should i sell my 5 dash at a loss.

How to use DAI in own smart contract?
by bananaofakind

I don't have exact understanding on how to use DAI in my own smart contract. Is it possible without creating own token? As i understand, all token holder info is stored inside of DAI's smart contract, so the way to go is to have my smart contract buy DAI (so in DAI's smart contract mapping my smart contracts address will have some DAI), which i can transfer by calling DAis contract and requesting the transfer. However this brings transfer fees. So i guess the finite question is how to create a smart contract which utilizes DAIs stability and in the end will cost the less for the end user? Should i go with own token which holds corresponding amount of DAI?

Can I park my money with dai? does that makes sense?
by ebwvibfhwbovchwdshjd

I was wondering: is it logical to "park" some money (that is - eth, btc, other coins) by purchasing dai on the open market (not a loan!)?

So if I want to avoid volatility, I thought I can:
go to a dex where dai is offered
convert my current coin into dai (let's say - btc to dai or eth to dai)
sit on it till i feel like it
sell dai for asset again

does this makes any sense? in a case where I am not borrowing, that is (dai isn't created).

Using the Bancor API to arbitrage over the MKR and DAI Bancor token pairs
by cryptopascal

Bancor enables conversion from ETH and any of its 60-ish listed tokens to and from both MKR and DAI.

What is little known, is that Bancor also has an API, so this arbitrage can be fully automated:

Conversion can also happen via a smart contract call:

Swarm Wiki
by GoodRonny

I have created a page for Swarm on I would appreciate if the Swarm community members can check the page and let me know if anything needs to be corrected. Also if someone wants to take over maintaining Swarm page, PM me and I can get you set-up. Please check this page and give feedback, thanks:

Let me know what you think about this and if you have any questions.

So who are we buying low?
by BobbyLeeSwaggerr

We haven’t seen too many focused (semi) discussions as of late on this Sub like the old days. I would like to get this going.

This is likely the 10th time this has been posted since February, however I believe now to be a decent (we hope) buying opportunity before Alt season kicks back up in a few months/weeks/who the hell knows.

I personally am interested in heavily oversold coins such as Neblio, Factom, GVT, and Modum and few others.

Who are you guys buying right now at these levels?


EOS still leaves a question: was it all worth $4 Billion?
Finrazor Team

Huobi received 8,000 BTC from the unknown whale, EOS is up and running and Ethereum developers are worried about losing the race.

One of the biggest Bitcoin whales transferred a part of his funds onto Huobi

This unknown whale still has 86,000 Bitcoins stored on one address, and additional 8,000
Bitcoins that he may sell on exchange.

As we see a downtrend continuation, many questions arise in relation to manipulation by whales. First it was the trustee of Mt.Gox dumping Bitcoins on free market instead of selling them off the market and not harming the price. Now we have this whale. But the truth is that whales always end up with more assets that they accumulate after dumping their initial holdings.

The scheme is pretty simple: market sell all your funds in one chunk, trigger the avalanche of stop losses and liquidations and start buying much lower, then let the price grow and repeat. Familiar, isn’t it?

BitNautic Joins Investment Partnership with Alchemy Coin

BitNautic engages in a new collaboration with the Hong Kong based company, which is building a blockchain-based peer-to-peer lending marketplace.

Breaking News — BitNautic has joined hands with Alchemy Coin, a rising star in the blockchain lending sector.

The investment partnership will allow both companies to diversify their assets, reducing risk in an unstable market such as that of cryptocurrencies. “You can’t make it on your own — it’s too hard ” says Alchemy Coin CEO Justin Jung, who sold his first company for seven-figures while in college. “Adapting to the current environment is what separates winners and losers in the ICO space. BitNautic has already demonstrated that they will be a dominant player in the trillion-dollar global shipping- and logistics-industry, and we are honored to call them partners.”

Giant blockchain: the best features of Dash and Ethereum
Giant Project

The Giant blockchain technology is a synthesis of the most advanced solutions invented by various coders across the world. This material describes how and why our team has decided to implement some useful elements of the major digital currency projects and about their current disadvantages.

Consensus algorithm
The blockchain of Giant can be basically described as a protocol with a network of nodes and its own unique system of contracts based on PoW (Proof-of-Work) and later — PoS (Proof-of-Stake) consensus algorithms. To be more precise, we are going to move to PoS in the next 9 months from the current PoW hashing algorithm called Quark. The upcoming PoS structure will resemble PIVX, with some elements taken directly from this cryptocurrency project. The Proof-of-Work algorithm ensures rewards for mining, whilst the Proof-of-Stakes puts first those who own more cryptocurrency units. Sometimes (but not in the case of Giant) these two approaches are merged together, for example, in Emercoin.

Which coins influenced us: DASH -> PIVX -> ALQO
Dash — a sophisticated variation of Bitcoin technology — has a useful technology of masternodes which was later repeated in PIVX and ALQO. Masternodes are computers which are being operated by the members of the cryptocurrency community and used to sustain the network. Usual nodes have less rights and perform simpler digital currency network tasks.

EOSBet Update: Why We Are Building on EOS & Pre-Sale Info!

We Got Love for EOS

About a half a year ago, we made the decision to move our platform from Ethereum to EOS. Our development team was frustrated with the scalability issues of the Ethereum network, which prevented us from building the quality of games we wanted to provide our players.

So far, the decision to develop on EOS has undoubtedly felt like the right one. We’ve been continually wowed by the EOS community, and the support we’ve received from other developers, block producers,, and EOS fans has been unlike anything we experienced on Ethereum, even as a top-trafficked Dapp.

Equally important, it’s been a breeze building on EOS. Having the ability to use any C++ library has been a refreshing change from the constraints of Solidity, and our devs were amazed when bets completed end-to-end in under 2 seconds — before our roll animation had even finished.


Bitcoin is down 2.84% at $7,409.140 with a volume of Ƀ68.4k - $512.0M on the USD pairs.

Ether is up 0.75% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.05526 per Ether and down 2.13% against the dollar to $408.85 with average volume Ƀ48.9k on the ETH/BTC pair.

Bitcoin Cash is down 2.32% to Ƀ0.09653 with volumes of Ƀ19.1k and down 5.08% against the dollar at $714.4.

Ripple is up 3.2% to Ƀ0.00005966 with volumes of Ƀ11.0k and down 0.02% against the dollar at $0.4408.

Zcash is down 4.12% for the day to Ƀ0.02442 per ZEC and down 6.73% against the dollar to $182.55 with an average volume of Ƀ5.5k for the 24 hour period.

Litecoin is down 1.74% against the dollar for the day at $75.84 and up 1.38% to Ƀ0.01025 on volumes of Ƀ13.6k.

Dash is up 0.21% at Ƀ0.02805 with Ƀ3.6k volume and down 3.31% against the dollar at $206.93.

Iota is up 0.67% to Ƀ0.0001202 on Ƀ3.3k volume.

Ether Classic is down 0.35% to Ƀ0.001976 with volumes of Ƀ7.1k and down 3.38% against the dollar at $14.59.

Monero is down 6.96% against the dollar at $117.81 and down 3.92% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.01593 on volumes of Ƀ2.0k.

Neo is down 2.89% for the day to Ƀ0.0037 per NEO and down 5.65% against the dollar to $27.39 with an average volume of Ƀ2.7k for the 24 hour period.

Waves is down 16.47% to Ƀ0.0002475 on Ƀ2.1k volume.

Stratis is down 10.07% to Ƀ0.000276 on Ƀ467.434 volume.

Cardano is down 2.17% to Ƀ0.00001759 on Ƀ2.7k volume.

NEM is down 4.2% to Ƀ0.00001986 on Ƀ454.279 volume.

EOS is up 3.94% to Ƀ0.0009602 on Ƀ14.3k volume.

Tron is down 4.01% to Ƀ0.00000407 on Ƀ8.7k volume.

Stellar is down 6.14% to Ƀ0.00003396 on Ƀ4.3k volume.


NYSE Owner is Launching a Bitcoin Platform

Dash Used by 25% of Music Festival Attendees in Estonia

Stellar Lumens approved by Bahrain Central Bank as Sharia compliant

Coinbase WooCommerce Plugin Makes Crypto Available to Millions of Online Merchants

New York Finance Watchdog ‘Fiercely Opposes’ Sandboxes for Fintech Firms

CoinMarketCap price spike because of Tether (USDT)?

Did Coinmarketcap just get hacked? something’s up

Dash is Committed to Global Usability, Overhauls Dash Documents and Offers Translations

Bitcoin Whale's Bad Trade Leaves Counterparties Holding the Bag

50M Online Stores get Access to BTC, ETH, BCH & LTC with Coinbase WooCommerce Plugin

The owner of the New York Stock Exchange is teaming up with Microsoft and Starbucks to build an 'ecosystem' for crypto

Analysis: The top coins by sentiment heading into August

Dutch Central Bank Supports Blockchain, Not Cryptocurrencies

Tron (TRX) Hits the Mainstream at 20,000 Stores Across Spain and Italy

Sorry, But Starbucks Will Not Be Accepting Bitcoin

SparkSwap Exchange Uses The Lightning Network—But Is It Ready Yet?


Intercontinental Exchange Announces Bakkt, a Global Platform and Ecosystem for Digital Assets

World’s Biggest Stock Exchange Operator Is Launching A Bitcoin Market

New Starbucks partnership with Microsoft allows customers to pay for Frappuccinos with bitcoin

Introducing VeChain’s Drug and Vaccine Traceability Solution

Bitcoin ETF Approval: SEC Commissioner Sees No Reason for Rejection

Breaking: World’s Biggest Stock Exchange Operator is Launching a Bitcoin Market

The NYSE's Owner Wants to Bring Bitcoin to Your 401(k). Are Crypto Credit Cards Next?

Red Friday: Crypto Market Down as Bitcoin Maintains Wedge Pattern

Bitcoin Whale's Bad Trade Leaves Counterparties Holding the Bag

Intercontinental Exchange Announces Bakkt, a Global Platform and Ecosystem for Digital Assets

Verge Improving it’s Spending Power – Surges on the X POS

Is it a good idea to be long on Waves (WAVES) coin?

Canaan Creative Bitcoin Miner Releases BTC-Mining Television Set
This is not investment advice, this is information culled from the web today. Please do your own research.