The DAO Report 9/4/18

in #crypto6 years ago



Swarm Fund‏ @TheSwarmFund
In 2 days - our Social Impact Live Stream airs September 6th, 9a pst / 6p cest with our CEO and COO, Philipp and Chris. Enter the Social Impact Contest today, get a unique URL, share it with friends and win Swarm prizes. Learn more about it here:

Security Token‏ @security_token
@TheSwarmFund, the ST blockchain platform, has announced the Market Access Protocol (MAP)...providing a globally compliant protocol on which the industry can use to transfer #SecurityTokens

James R Simpson‏ @jronsim
Biggest news in today's edition of @wheatpond's @ProofOfWorkNews? The intro of a Dai Savings Rate on @MakerDAO enabling Dai holders to earn interest. I expect this & multi collateral CDPs to drive Dai adoption significantly.

Maker DAI Bot‏ @MakerDaiBot
In the last hour, 148,118 DAI were minted, and 0 DAI were burned. Total supply is now 49,288,645.

Gnosis‏ @gnosisPM
Have you participated in before? @EthBerlin is your chance to try our unique prediction market #dApp and win GNO tokens! Sign up now at and show us your predictive powers

Gnosis‏ @gnosisPM
#BUIDL on the DutchX @ETHBerlin this week! And before you get to it, definitely join us for our Dev Workshop on Thursday—we'll present exciting potential DutchX use cases & walk through both front and back-end integration steps. RSVP here:

Luis Iván Cuende @licuende
I built this dashboard to track the development activity around @AragonProject

DASH‏ @Dashpay
Due to Spork 10 the #Dash #Masternode count dropped, as "old Versions" are being kicked from Payment and listing ! Please make sure your MN is on the latest version (12.3)

boxmining‏ @boxmining
Monero (XMR) in a Nutshell

Uzi‏ @LilUziVertcoin
I like the ascending triangle breakout for $MTL, with all the bullish catalysts lined up in the next 2-3 weeks it's worth holding my bag, volume is looking better as well

Uzi‏ @LilUziVertcoin
the fact that they got a former Apple UX designer who spent 8 years working on Apple products to be the Chief Designer for Metal Pay is crazy $MTL

      Patrick Mrozowski‏ @patrickmro_
Wow.. just sent my first REAL payment on @metalpaysme it’s real af

Flood [Bitmex]‏ @ThinkingUSD
4H $BTC All shorts from the massive rise on finex are now underwater. Only 10% of the shorts opened below 7300 have closed. MEX HVN shorts are also in trouble. Gotta love the smell of freshly trapped margin shorts. Very bullish. Counter trade me here:

Don 'Lucky' Crypto‏ @SmartTipps
Perfect breakout patterns on $NEO Short term it could hit the 26$ levels. The up trend channel will continue as long as $BTC doesn't crash.

The Cryptomist‏ @TheCryptomist
$NEO If you have been following myself @Bleeding_Crypto @tehMoonwalker then your bag would be feeling heavy from the natural growth of this bag! :) Maintained breakout, reached all targets previously mentioned except $27. Feeling cautious of the bearish div developing though

Peter McCormack‏ @WhatBitcoinDid
I posted a while ago my fav Crypto podcasts, here is a new and updated list of a few interviews well worth listening to. 1. @tferriss podcast, interview with @NickSzabo4, co-hosted by @naval

Crypto Bobby‏ @crypto_bobby
If you haven't seen @nic__carter's latest on the seedy underbelly of the crypto markets, it's fantastic stuff. Read here:

Shillhouse‏ @shillycrypto
I think Quant has the most chance of any IDEX token of being listed on a bigger exchange soon, if listings still happen

David Gokhshtein‏ @davidgokhshtein
I dislike $BCH but I’ll still try to make money on it.

David Gokhshtein‏ @davidgokhshtein
$BTC - it could go swinging towards $7,700 today. If it does, flipping the channel right to the #altcoins.

Eric Choe‏ @CryptoChoe
Back from Labor Day! Starting off the day right with BCH short for a quick 0.8% gain on my total account balance. It's all about doing the same thing over and over and over again and finding setups that fit your criteria. Coins to Day-Trade for Today: BTC / BCH / ETH / LTC

CryptoYoda‏ @CryptoYoda1338
$LTC already broke previous High and is on a run, expecting $BTC to follow suit later today

Ran NeuNer‏ @cryptomanran
Tether and the open shorts playing a game of chicken. Who buckles first?

      Deadly Croc‏ @Salt_Water_Croc
poor shorts need to use real money but Tether is unlimited...Tether always wins

      Ðan Ξmmons‏ @Emmonspired
The shorts already buckled. Refer back to the battle of 5800 on August 14th.


Mateusz Bogacki

Here is one of my favorite economists Peter Schiff debating Erik Voorhees.
The resolution of the debate is:
"Whether BTC or other Cryptocurrency will eventually replace the government fiat currency as a preferred medium of exchange?"
I've only picked up some main points but I would recommend everyone to watch it as both sides did very well.
02:08-13:36 Erik Voorhees

  1. Why BTC is a good money
    Erik states that BTC is a superior form of money and it is in its own league.
    The reasons mentioned are:
  • BTC is proveably scarce- there’re only 21 million of them and can never be more. Yet, while scarce BTC is easily divisible. One BTC can be cut to 100million pieces and recombined at will. BTC supply is also known.
  • BTC is also durable- backed up by thousands of computers around the world.
  • BTC is fungible- each BTC is worth the same as every other and it is recognizable. Every BTC wallet can attest whether BTC is legitimate. It cannot be counterfeited.
  • BTC is highly portable and the only money today that can be moved at distance without trusting a third party.
  • Programmability, which like Erik argues, one day it will be seen as critical for good money. BTC can be programmed to enable all kinds of economic activity often without a middleman or human arbitration of any kind.
    1.2 Why Fiat is bad money.
    Erik here makes lots of joking comments. Claims that every observer should know that fiat money is an absolute scam and something altogether inappropriate for an ethical market-based society. He says that we cannot have a free market when the most important good- money itself, is centrally planned and controlled. He says that Fiat and a market economy are mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Fiat is systematically created out of thin air with no limit on supply nor can supply even be known.
  • Fiat will last so long as your bank permits and even then it slowly loses its value.
  • With Fiat, we’re dependent on a third party with your wealth.
  • Fiat isn’t as portable as BTC.
  • He says that Fiat functions only on traditional momentum.
    He further goes on about the problem with gold…
    1.3 Why BTC win?
    BTC will win because there is now competition in money and BTC is the best available. Because it’s decentralized it cannot be stopped
    13:50-26:06 Peter Schiff
    Both of the speakers agree with each other that Fiat is going to fail, Peter just doesn’t believe that the future is BTC.
  • Explains that legitimate currency is backed by real money. In the case of the US dollar that was gold. So dollars were just more convenient way of transacting in gold.
  • He argues that BTC is replicating the properties of gold except for the most important one- the metal itself, the rare, scarce element that has been valued as a commodity for thousands of years.
  • There’s no reference point for BTC, never had any value other than as a medium of exchange.
  • He argues that BTC is not scarce because BTC can be forked off as many times as someone wants. He says that some cryptocurrencies are already better and faster than BTC
  • Important functions of money are that it has to be a reliable store of value, not just a medium of exchange. BTC can do that but it’s inefficient because of its volatility.
  • There’s no certainty as to BTC value, we have no idea what BTC is going to be worth in the future.
  • He says that government can introduce a regulation which ultimately will outlaw the use of BTC.
  • Peter claims that replacing fiat currency with fiat digital currency is not an improvement- it is still a fiat. And goes on that the only thing that gives BTC value is confidence that it will become money. That’s the same thing that gives the dollar value, except with the dollar you’ve legal tender and the whole banking system and society that is built around it. Right now people are interested in BTC because they think they’re gonna get rich.
  • He says that no BTC and any other cryptocurrency is capable of becoming money. He goes on and states that the future of money is gold and if gold is going to be digitized- cryptocurrency backed by gold- real money, that’s the only way it can succeed.
    26:30-32:40 Erik:
    -Erik answers Peter’s accusations that BTC has no intrinsic value.
    He claims that nothing has intrinsic value because the value has to be subjective in the eyes of the valuer and continues that before there were human species gold had no value. Value is subjective and it comes from when the person doing the valuation finds good reason or purpose to use.
    BTC intrinsic value comes from its payment network. The payment network is the only way we can send transactions in a decentralized way that no one can stop it between people no matter where they are, it cannot be censured and it’s cheap.
  • Next, he answers the volatility problem.
    He admits that current BTC volatility is a problem today but explains that it is not intrinsic. Volatility happens when a market is trying to find its value. He says that in 2011 volatility was much higher than it is today. In his view the problem with volatility is self-correcting.
  • Furthermore, he takes on the argument of multiple coins as an inflation problem.
    He explains that you can copy the code but you cannot copy the network and hash power of the miners and infrastructure of all the wallets and companies that operate on the BTC network and finally you cannot copy the brand and status that BTC has earned.
  • In the end, he comments on Peter’s suggestion that gold is the way to have a modern society based on honest money. He argues that it is not practical for commerce unless you trust some counterparty. He continues by saying that government won’t allow something to compete with their form of value if they can stop it. So it has to be decentralized, otherwise, we won’t ever have a free market financial system because governments will not allow it. He says that time has changed even though the principle of money haven’t the form of money that works the best in today's economy might have changed.
    Peter 33:00
  • Peter gets back to the argument about the government shutting down a competition, he gives an example of Federal Express. (Side note here… Airbnb in Edinburgh, Scotland is going to be heavily regulated from the next year as it became too big and Hotels lost millions of pound during this year Fringe Festival). Also says that BTC can be an easy target as there’s no much anonymity, therefore, it could be easy to control.
  • Peter gets back to the argument that BTC supply is known and argues that the price of anything is a function of supply and demand and as long as demand is rising prices will go up. So the problem is what happens when the demand goes away? He says that people are not interested in BTC they only want things that they can buy for it. He says that when the bubble is going to burst there’s not going to be demand for it we’re gonna be left with a massive supply and the whole thing is going to implode.
  • About intrinsic value:
    Peter disagrees that nothing has intrinsic value. What he refers to is what you can do with the money absent its utilization as a medium of exchange or store of value. He says that there are things that you can actually do with gold and there is no other good substitute because they don’t share the properties of the gold. His point on the lack of intrinsic value is that there’s nothing that you can do with BTC- if you don’t have somebody who wants it, there’s absolutely no demand for it. He claims that at any time something better can come and replace BTC like it happened with other networks like MySpace replaced by FB. With all the technology that we have today, it is almost certain that something better can be invented.
    44:00-1:11:16 Q&A
    They got a bit lose and some of the questions are a bit uneducated but still, their answers are great so worth to watch it too. Further, they turn it into a discussion and they elaborate on some of the points mentioned earlier.
    1:11:20- 1:21:20 Zipping up
    Both, Peter and Erik agree on the fact that fiat currency is going to collapse. They, however, disagree on what is going to come next. Peter stated that we’re going to have to go back to the Gold Standard, Erik claims we’re going to proceed to the BTC Standard era.

Joe Blackburn
How is this for another barrier broken in crypto?
Easy entry? Easy transactions? Simple UI?
Amazing seeing this space evolve, especially with brilliant members of this group doing such innovative and honest work! Good on you Jason Davis and the rest of the Hoard team!
Hoard works like the Venmo of Crypto. No need to copy/paste your wallet address. Simply use your device contacts, @usernames, email addresses, or phone numbers. Even if the recipent doesn't have the Hoard app or a crypto wallet.
Here's a cool example of what we're building.

Nicolas Logan
I have noticed WAN is not talked about much in CCT. So I decided to shed some light on the potential of WAN.
It was released on exchanges in extreme bear market and despite that it peaked to $10 straight after ICO in first month of release. Its been in consolidation mode and currently hovering around $1.5. With a limited supply of just 106M and cap of $145M, coin position #45 has potential to 8x at just market cap of 1B (zcash level). It's one of the best infrastructure coin available. It will be easily top 20 coin making it x10.
Staking, crosschain and master nodes coming soon and Integration with Ethereum, Multi-Coin Wallet releasing next month.
It has smart contracts, and privacy transactions as well making it a unique package in this low market cap.
DYOR and grab some before it starts flying again to new highs.
Disclosure, I sold My ICO WAN coins at $9 and now have started buying again. My strategy is dollar cost average it all the way down until it starts rocketing.

James David
What do guys believe Bitcoin price will be near Christmas. Remember last year we were all 'talking' about 10K but that seemed very hard. What about this year?

Poll Results:
20-30k - 39%
10-15k - 36%
30k+ - 18%
~8k - 14%
4k - 5%
My advise, start taking long positions, beforw it's too late. This is still a good price to get in or close shorts. Look at bigger perspective. We are in September already, December is just 3 months away. There are high chances that we are gonna see another Bitcoin Bull Run to a new ATH.

Also consider putting some $$ in $WAN and $NEO. Both have potential to give amazing multipliers.

      Tiago Oakley
last year it was in a bullish pattern in short, this year it's in a bearish pattern in the same term, very different

      Andreas Pielmeier
My guess, we goin sideways over next months, like we did some years ago.


Stocks.Exchange‏ @StocksExchangeR
Stocks Exchange meets with open arms TwinToken(XTW)

Token Store‏ @TokenDotStore
Swachhcoin by @swachhcoin will be listed on The Token Store DEX after the end of its token sale.

Liquid‏ @QuoineGlobal
Important update for approved US customers: On Liquid, US citizens will be able to:

  • Trade crypto AND fiat
  • Deposit and withdraw crypto
    US citizens will, however, be unable to:
  • Deposit or withdraw fiat
  • Participate in ICOs

Huobi Global‏ @HuobiGlobal
HADAX Launches Rate3 (RTE) on September 04, 16:30 (GMT +8).

CryptoBridge‏ @CryptoBridge
$C2P @coin2play is now trading on the #CryptoBridge Decentralized Exchange!
$DVD @dividend_cash is now trading on the #CryptoBridge Decentralized Exchange!
$PRJ @projectcoin1 is now trading on the #CryptoBridge Decentralized Exchange!
$NDB @TheRealNodeBase is now trading on the #CryptoBridge Decentralized Exchange!

CoinEgg‏ @CoinEgg_LTD
Welcome to trade on #COINEGG #ETH #BTC #ONT #TRX #XRP

OKEx‏ @OKEx_
Completion of Mainnet Swap and Service Resumption of Starchain (STC)

NO.4 Bityun contract launch announcement

Cboe‏ @CBOE
Cboe Europe welcomes six more @iShares #ETF listings. The USD-denominated ETFs have launched today. The NZD hedged version will launch on 7th September. Find out more here.

MERCATOX‏ @MercatoxCom
EliteShipperToken (ESHIP)​ market added


In case you want to buy DASH with a credit card
by BambooCrypto

There's a site called Bamboo Crypto whose engine is powered by Changelly and you can buy coins like DASH with a credit card. All you need is a passport for ID. Our fees are lower than other similar sites like Coinmama. Check it out!

Dash Sees Over 400 "Siblings" Built on Masternode Protocol -
by JoeyBran

Citing data from an explorer, over 400 cryptocurrencies use the Masternode protocol, the most famous of which perhaps is Dash. Masternode is a variation on Proof-of-Stake mining. With Masternode, a user must stake a large amount of coins and they receive significant profits in the long term, in exchange for their Masternode helping to run the network.

dash vs XLM
by hushabuba

My apologies if this has already been addressed, but after doing more research into dash and XLM, they both seem to have similar purposes. Why would dash be the better form of "e-money"?

No xlm is more a competitor of ripple. Dash comps are more bch and ltc

How does XLM compare to Dash? I thought XLM was like Ripple, aka an over glorified fiat exchange using blockchain tech to extend the lifespan of the entirely corrupted fiat money system? Dash is the exact opposite - it's designed to supplant the fiat system and rip the power away from the banksters and government and give it back to the people.

Report of the 11th conference of Dash Venezuela
by eugenialcala

8th Journalists workshop

On August 24th 2018, our 8th journalist workshop, entitled
“Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalist” was held at La Viga hall in the Centro Cultural Chacao

Our protocol team received the journalists attending the journalists' workshop, upon arrival, the journalists received a welcoming coffee break and interacted with each other.

The journalists entered the room to start the workshop, our communication team started the workshop explaining the topics and participants to the activity, the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, the sponsors of the 11th conference, Kripto Mobile, and two case of success of entrepreneurs.

How to Stake your Tokens for Security & Voting
by eos-asia

Original guide:

When you stake your EOS, you're "parking" your tokens. Your tokens will not be accessible until you decide to unstakethem. Staking is essential in EOS because it grants your account resources (CPU and NET) that are required to perform any actions on the blockchain. When you stake for bandwidth, you will be allowed to send more transactions in a period of time, as the size of transaction consumes bandwidth.

To use the network, an average user will only need to have 1 or 2 EOS staked. However, the amount of EOS staked is also your voting power. Only staked tokens contribute to voting power when you vote for Block Producers.

When you decide to have your EOS in "movable" form, you will have to go through the unstaking process. Once you unstake the tokens, you will have to wait three days for those tokens to be transferred from your staked balance to your unstaked balance, at which point you can transfer them at will.

Any chance wallets start integrating decentralized exchanges?
by surechap

It'll be nice to have some decentralized exchanges built-in on some EOS wallets.

Bancor is working on cross-chain communication with EOS, so soon you will be able to convert any EOS and ETH token within the exchange and store it in your own wallet.

You can convert 'Smart Tokens' in their smart contract.

4 billion, where are the dapps?
by hakatoner

When and what dApps are we expecting to be launched from what are your expectations?

We have seen more output from third parties than from itself.
I am sure Dan is the man with the plan ... and am waiting for some nice surprises.

This process CANNOT be RUSHED. Have faith in, Dan Larimer & the EOS Community. was successfully launched, slapped upside the head, those that called EOS a scam, EOS is in FACT the only Blockchain Platform that SCALES beyond...... What more to say. All ducks are in order, and execute they WILL.

Updates about parallel execution on EOS?
by stop-making-accounts

BlockOne's roadmap mentions that Parallel optimization shall be worked on during Summer/Fall 2018. Are there any official updates about the progress or about how this will be implemented?

Also very interested. I don't think EOS becomes a true enterprise-level competitor until multithreading is a feature. The use cases right now are limited by performance and a single thread of execution

How come this coding not included in the v1 release ?

Good thing happen with time, At this level TPS is not issue we are ahead of game..i believe there are DAPPS B1 is mostly working on (STEEM2.0 and Bitshare2.0 ) to bring and vertical scaling as demand grows.

Parallelism is hard, especially when you need things to be deterministic while accessing shared data. Fortunately, there are solutions available and design patterns proven by those who design GPUs and computer graphics algorithms. But i hope they will soon make some announcements.

EOS resource rental price and cost after REX launch
by huntahjw

Does anyone have any ideas on the rental prices and subsequent resource costs for RAM and CPU after the REX goes live?

Great question
My team is developing a dapp right now. We just finished an exercise to attempt to understand the number of tokens we need to stake to run our dapp.

I expect that a vast number of EOS holders will want to earn residual income from their tokens which will drive initial rental prices to be very low. However, the low rental prices could drive the cost of RAM and CPU higher.

We initially thought we would have high upfront capital cost to purchase the EOS required to run the dapp and meager ongoing operational costs.

We are now preparing for the possibility to have higher operational costs.

There would be huge demand for renting price maybe would go down at start of renting but later there will not be enough eos for rent and price will go up

Can I convert my locked peth into a different currency when multicollateral cdps release?
by ripplep

You will be able to migrate your CDP from single collateral Dai to multi collateral Dai automatically, and you can also just convert your PETH back to ETH and sell it if you don't want to migrate.

MakerDAO system to track other assets?
by ckd001

Since the 1 USD value (DAI) is arbitrary from a mathematical perspective, couldn't the MakerDAO project create any other "tracker" assets (1 Oz Gold, 1 share AMZN, whatever) and have them just be backed by ETH collateral? Is anyone doing or planning to do this? It seems to me that if done right a MakerDAO backed gold token could be more secure than DGX, for example, since DGX gold reserve backing could be seized for legal reasons, while ETH collateral cannot be. Thanks for explanation.

This is coming, and while we don't have a timeline yet it will probably be sooner than people expect.

We'll have everything from stablecoins of different fiat denominations (synthetic fiat, such as Euro-Dai or CNY-Dai), to basically any volatile price feed that there's interest in either going long or short on (synthetic assets, such as synthetic apple stock or synthetic tokens representing stock indices such as the SP500).

Synthetic fiat and synthetic assets will all be backed by Dai as collateral, so it will have the full backing of the highly diversified collateral portfolio backing Dai. It will also be possible to earn the Reward Rate on Dai while it's being used as collateral for synthetic fiat or synthetic assets, so there's a really good synergy between these two features.

Can someone mathematically explain how a pump and dump even works?
by OldJoy

Probably a stupid question but I'm having a hard time grasping the concept. I know the idea is that a bunch of people buy a coin and inflate the price to dump it on new buyers later. But how would that even be financially lucrative for the group? Aren't they just dumping on themselves? How is that even profitable unless they somehow create a ton of artificial demand.

These people suck at explaining. I’ll give it a whirl.
First, you buy a ton of a coin which pumps the price from 10 dollars to 50 dollars.
World sees all these gainz. Every one and their grandma FOMOs in. Price now goes from 50 to 80.
You dump your massive load. Price falls from 80 to 40.
(Bought between 10 and 50, sold between 80 - 40)


Exclusive Event Coverage of EOS, Hyperledger, Ethereum [Video]
Latest Blockchain News

Last Thursday’s event, Blockchain Adoption in Business and Enterprise, held at eBay NYC on August 23rd, was one of the best quality events of the year. Organized by, the largest blockchain group in New York City, it was completely a sold out event with audience members from R3, IBM, Microsoft and more.

While the networking opportunities were phenomenal, the highlight of the event was the stellar panel of speakers from Hyperledger, Consensys/Ethereum, EOS, and BlockchainDriven. Audience members had the opportunity to speak with these insightful leaders of blockchain afterwards, but the real gem was the panel discussion.

Each of the speakers spoke about their respective companies, then moved onto the bulk of the event, discussing blockchain and distributed ledger technologies on an enterprise level. For those who missed it, here’s a full coverage of what these tech giants and what they had to share.

Espresso Team Update: Halfway Through Our First Milestone!
Mathew Cormier

We’ve been working hard on the Datastore and Drive App for the last four weeks and since our first sprint just ended a couple days ago, we thought it would be a good time to post our first Espresso Team update! For some of you who are not familiar with our projects, you can learn more about us and the Aragon Nest program here. So without further ado, here is what we have been up to during the month of August.

What’s New?
Several settings in the Datastore can be modified to customize its behavior, such as the choice of storage provider, the provider’s server information, the encryption algorithms, etc. But up until now, those settings were hardcoded and not actually saved anywhere. It was therefore a priority for the team to store them in the smart contract so users could benefit from them. With this new component in place, it was possible to add this new configuration section to the Drive App.

Infinex — The Best Cryptocurrency With Innovative Decentralized Exchange
Dean Alpha

Infinex is an extremely exciting cryptocurrency project that has infinite possibilities. It began a journey earlier this year and got a significant support from investors and the community. Within a short time frame, Infinex masternode got attention and attract a numerous number of investors. So, why Infinex got overwhelming responses over other cryptocurrencies? What issues are they solving that matter to investors?

Most notably — a decentralized exchange with user-friendly interface and easy access, reducing transaction time and so on. Infinex introducing a monopolistic decentralized network where users will find an exchange, a live streaming platform, cloud gaming apps, social networking site, and a developer-friendly application store. The radical features of Infinex are guaranteed security, privacy, and decentralization. In this article, we will try to make a further rough sketch of the objectives, features, and success of Infinex project with proof of its value and worthiness.


Bitcoin is up 0.51% at $7,299.860 with a volume of Ƀ37.7k - $275.1M on the USD pairs.

Ether is down 1.68% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.03926 per Ether and down 1.22% against the dollar to $285.76 with average volume Ƀ47.2k on the ETH/BTC pair.

Bitcoin Cash is down 1.22% to Ƀ0.08632 with volumes of Ƀ15.4k and down 0.74% against the dollar at $629.

Ripple is down 1.51% to Ƀ0.00004578 with volumes of Ƀ7.1k and down 1.1% against the dollar at $0.3336.

Zcash is up 2.2% for the day to Ƀ0.02136 per ZEC and up 2.71% against the dollar to $155.9 with an average volume of Ƀ4.3k for the 24 hour period.

Litecoin is up 2.71% against the dollar for the day at $66.69 and up 2.22% to Ƀ0.009153 on volumes of Ƀ10.6k.

Dash is up 3.83% at Ƀ0.0298 with Ƀ6.4k volume and up 4.37% against the dollar at $216.94.

Iota is down 2.07% to Ƀ0.00009634 on Ƀ1.7k volume.

Ether Classic is up 1.43% to Ƀ0.001911 with volumes of Ƀ11.8k and down 0% against the dollar at $13.96.

Monero is up 11.24% against the dollar at $135.54 and up 10.48% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.01856 on volumes of Ƀ4.9k.

Neo is up 6.4% for the day to Ƀ0.003177 per NEO and up 6.92% against the dollar to $23.18 with an average volume of Ƀ6.3k for the 24 hour period.

Waves is up 6.42% to Ƀ0.0003082 on Ƀ548.559 volume.

Stratis is up 9.63% to Ƀ0.000255 on Ƀ333.834 volume.

Cardano is up 0.14% to Ƀ0.00001427 on Ƀ1.8k volume.

NEM is up 6.08% to Ƀ0.0000164 on Ƀ787.653 volume.

EOS is down 1.19% to Ƀ0.0008852 on Ƀ17.3k volume.

Tron is up 1.45% to Ƀ0.00000349 on Ƀ1.9k volume.

Stellar is down 0.49% to Ƀ0.00003042 on Ƀ1.9k volume.


Is MakerDAO Giving Out Unlicensed High-Risk Loans, And Do We Care?

How CPU works in EOS ecosystem

EOS Tri-Weekly Update 9/3/18 — Venezuela Peso on EOS, Korean Update & Dan’s Moons

Cypherglass announces EOS Ledger Support & $50k Bounty Winner!

EOS Or Ethereum: The Blockchain OS Battle

Daily Update (9/4/18) | Could emerging markets be the catalyst for crypto?

TokenPocket supports Dapps integrated with Scatter

Why Gift Cards Became a Game Changer for Cryptocurrency

British Maritime Society Builds Blockchain Tool for Ship Registration

PBoC-Backed Blockchain Trade Finance Platform Enters Test Phase

Bitcoin Price Jumps Above $7,350 As Reddit’s Crypto Activity Surges

XRP is Used to Move Funds in 50 Countries by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group

Bittrex Delists Bitcoin Gold Amid Lack of Compensation Over 51% Attack

Bitcoin Remains Firm Despite Mt.Gox Now Offering Former Users to Claim Back Their Lost Coins: BTCManager’s Week in Review

IBM Reveals Stellar-Based ‘Near Real-Time’ Blockchain Payment Network

Bitstamp: An Overview of the Industry's Oldest Active Exchange
Investor Series #1 – Bitcoin

Market Update Report September.4

India Sends Officials Overseas to Study Crypto and ICOs, Regulations Expected by the End of 2018

Walmart Selling $1 Bitcoin

Tuesdays with Teeka: The Great Crypto Conspiracy of 2018

Abra Now Enables Bank Accounts Across Europe To Buy And Sell Cryptocurrencies

ICO Market Update: $500M raised in August 2018

Crypto traders in Europe to use their bank accounts to directly purchase cryptos

BCH Chain Splits Almost Inminent: Craig Wright Abandons Bitcoin Cash…

Cryptocurrency in the news – Week 36

Ripple Is Extremely Faster And Cheaper, Says MUFG, While Detailing Their Experience

Why NOW Is The Best Time To Buy Bitcoin In All Of 2018!

Coinbase Looking to Expand Operations in Ireland

100 Million$ worth of bitcoins moved into the market

Bittrex Delists Bitcoin Gold

Cryptocurrency Platform Abra Adds Support for European Bank Accounts

Bitcoin’s price shows rare stability after maintaining above $7,200 for three days

It Started! South Korea Parliament Debates Ending the ICO Ban

ETH will go to zero!

$100 Million Worth Bitcoin (BTC) Moved To 3 Exchanges – The Transactions Might Be Linked To The Silk Road Aka The Black Market

Vitalik unveils what he believes will be the solution to the crypto funding problem

Coin Race: Top 10 Winners/Losers of August

China’s Largest Bank Pursues Blockchain

Credits and Lenovo Are about to Join Forces Enhancing the Internet of Things

$1B worth of Bitcoin are Currently on the Move From a Suspicious Wallet

NEO Meets Japan’s Finance Minister & Former Sony President To Discuss Potential Partnerships

Australia’s Brisbane Becoming a Cryptocurrency Hub For Travelers

Official Tron Virtual Machine Launch Could See TRX Topple Ethereum During Next Bull Run


Ethereum Blockchain Data Is Now Available On Google’s Cloud ‘BigQuery’

This is not investment advice, this is information culled from the web today. Please do your own research.