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The decentralized platform Voise is a playground for music lovers and musicians, created to eliminate unnecessary intermediaries between musicians and listeners. Elimination of intermediaries enables musicians to earn more on their creations. The next goal of the project is to fight against ubiquitous piracy. With the help of blocking technology it becomes easy to calculate unscrupulous intruders, merging the audio track into the network. If such a person is found, the platform blocks it irretrievably, with all purchases and with the tokens stored in the purse.
The problem of unknown musicians
- - - - - - - - -It has long been known to everyone that artists, unfortunately, are getting a lot of popularity and money not so much for their abilities, as for successful cooperation with a famous producer label or producer. Millions are invested in artists, radio hits are being promoted, high-priced clips are broadcast on TV channels. There are a lot of such musicians in our time, but there are much more musicians who are very talented, but they simply can not meet a label or a producer with whom it is possible to make an excellent career.
The whole problem of these musicians in the absence of money, which would help them simply live. Often it happens that the artist ceases his career, not becoming known for the reason that the written audio tracks are not able to support the family. Similar musicians go to work in the office, at the factory, in any place where they will receive money steadily.
The solution to this problem
- - - - - - - - -As you probably guessed, the Voise platform is solving the unknown problem of the musician. Any musician has the opportunity to record a track or a song, upload it to the Voise platform, which will record the work in the blockade, tag the author and add the track to the marketplace, where everyone can buy music for tokens already. The musician has up to 100% reward from the sale of the track. Simultaneously, the site took care of pricing, it determines the upper and lower lath of the cost of an audio track based on the musician's rating, popularity and length of the work.
In order to be able to "feel the taste" of the audio track, the artists should fill the platform with a demo version in addition to the main track so that users can listen to a short, thirty-second track, evaluate it and, if you like, buy it.
Free music and donation collection
- - - - - - - - -In addition to paid sales of their tracks, musicians can upload them to the platform and do not take a single token from users. How can they earn money? Musicians will be able to organize collection of donations for life or for their musical activity. Charges are made in tokens. In case the platform user liked the musical activity of the musician, he can donate him an arbitrary amount of money in Voise tokens.
Project development
- - - - - - - - -The Voise project moves forward without stopping. The road map is only 20% complete. A lot of events are ahead of the site, which, of course, will have a positive impact on development. These are presentations on profile music platforms, and advertising campaigns that help attract new users of the platform, and final payments to the owners of the tokens.
Until the end of 2018, the project expects to implement a payment terminal, which will allow the platform to exchange money for the money token Voise and back. This will have a very positive effect on the convenience of using an efficient and simple decentralized platform for musicians and music connoisseurs.
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