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RE: Upvote Shares Level 39 Available...

in #cryptolast year

You are to be commended @upvoteshares / @costanza:

"This will be the last level for new shares to be created with a total coming at 2000 completing the goal of the project."

[emphasis added mine]

It is rare these days to see the perseverance to see what was originally envisioned accomplished. And you have done it! 🫡

Maybe, at some point, you will write a book post about it? You must have some stories to tell, about the challenges along the way.


Thanks, Honestly it was pretty straightforward as the model used for the project is actually really solid if I can say so myself :-) The ony real hurdle was my procrastination at times.

"... if I can say so myself :-)"

Yes, by all means. You have earned it! 🫡

At least that is my $0.02 (worth every penny) ...