Kind Ads: Smart and Kind Advertising

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Advertising is the public promotion of business or service. It is the act/business of calling the attention of the public to a particular business or service. For advertising to be complete and proper, there are several parties involved.

Companies: These are the people who want to promote their businesses. They are usually business owners, entrepreneurs etc. They already have a service or product of a business and they want the world/public to know about their business.

Advertisers: They are those in the business of promoting companies’ businesses/products. They are also companies, but they are specific to just helping other companies promote their businesses/products.

Publisher: Advertisers need carriers agents to help them spread the word about the companies’ business/products; this is where the publishers come in. Publishers could be website owners who agree with advertisers that they can use their websites as an advertising medium with terms and condition biding.

Visitors:These are the target audience, they are the people the company is trying to woo, they are the people the company are targeting to patronize the company’s business/product.

Screenshot (196).png

The above model of advertising is the general model of advertising. As interesting as the above model is, It poises several problems

  1. Companies only know what they want, but don’t know what they get. A company wanting to advertise their product (an electronic device), they know that their target audience are people interested In electronic gadgets this would be people that usually visit electronic blog sites. However upon consulting the advertising company, the advertising company pushes these adverts to all publisher subscribed to them (they could be fashion blog, health blog, etc.). So the company only knows that they put up their products for adverts, but they don’t know if the people seeing their adverts are their target audience.

  2. Publishers are not compensated for their traffic. The fact that my website or blogsite shows your product to over 10000 visitors in a day doesn’t guarantee that I am doing a good job of advertising your product. Thus publishers are left in the lieu.

  3. User data are not as private as they ought to be. Although there are laws that combat this, but then they are not an entreaty of a job.

  4. Irrelevant adverts, as a fashion blogger, I should expect to see more of fashion adverts on my site, but with this model, I see all and sundry, both adverts related to my business and those not. Surely, this is not ideal and healthy.

The Solution: KIND Ads


Kind ads is a service intended to boost the communication between publishers and advertisers. The world is going crypto; surely kind ad is built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Features of Kind Ads:

Publisher’s ratings are gotten from Google, Oracle etc. to ascertain the activity of the publlisher’s website. Thus eliminating advertising on inactive websites/platforms. Based on this ratings, publishers are assigned kind ads score, the higher your kind ads score the more likely you are to be patronized by advertisers.

Publishers would be paid in cryptocurrency (Kind Ads Token). They would be able to specify how their data are shared between the company of the advertisers. Thus a publisher that allows a third party app from the company to get its data would be paid more that publisher that refuses that. 75% of the ad dollar goes to the publisher. Target audience that view this ads are also compensated for viewing the ads 5% goes to the user based the user’s consumer kind ads score the remaining 20% percent is shared equally between app providers and publishers again, but based on their kind ads score.

Control; Publisher have control over ads that are displayed on their websites, they have the power to opt in or opt out of specific ads. For instance a fashion blogger would opt into the fashion ads, but opt out of technology ads. Thus making sure fashion lovers get fashion ads that they are interested in.

Technology Behind Kind Ads; How do people Use kind ads

Users: They need a chrome plugin, which would enable kind ads track them and know how often they visit a particular site, and also help kind ads score them

Advertisers: A chrome plugin for management of ads , and monitoring of several ads channel, and also to upload new ads.

Publishers: A code snippet in their websites or a wordpress plugin to enable kind ads track activity on their website and also score them.

Third Party Apps: they would need an integration software, and also a payment tracker.

This wonderful platform/system was implemented by :


It is no doubt that we are in the 21st century age, and this should be done the digital way. Kind ads is here to ensure that the manual nature of the traditional model of advertising is eliminated, not only is it eliminated but also ensuring satisfaction to all parties involved in the advertising system.

For more information

Kind Ads Website
Kind Ads WhitePaper
Kind Ads Twitter
Kind Ads Telegram
Kind Ads FAQ

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