
Good post, Thanks for sharing

This comment has received a 0.07 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

You hit the nail on the head. It's to be expected and perfectly healthy for there to be a correction following such a good run this year.
And as you suggested, hopefully this will lead to a consolidation of alt coins when people start to realise that many have no purpose and add nothing!

Coming from a Senior Steemian like you, these words would definitely have a calming influence on the panicking herds. You have said this before too. This is the natural cycle of any stock/currency market. Cryptos are a bit more volatile but they follow a cycle too. I also agree with your though process that - there would have been no creation of wealth in reality if the crypto market evaporated our investments in a day. I have faith that Steemit platform users will grow exponentially and hence Steem will ultimately be in more demand. Thanks for your confirmation of these thoughts.@rok-sivante -

Since markets are red, I am not watching them. Instead, I have focused on improving my blogs. I have posted an interesting blog about Human vs animal eye capabilities, based on my original photos of wildlife. I request you to take a look when you have time and give your comments. It will help me improve my blogs and enrich my Steemit experience.

Get your Om on. Chill da fuq out. awesome.. thx!!!

This has to be one of the best gifs I have seen.
Bender carrying a bag of SWAG!

thanks for the update bro! great post

Yeah i am receiving 0.01 dollars when someone upvoting my posts. I am feeling so sad :-(

It all starts somewhere. Keep planting seeds and focusing on creating good content from your heart and others will be inspired. :)

That was a great read and all so true, uncannily similar to what the little voice in my head was telling me the past few days... Alright, I was surviving well prior to landing on crypto world, I think it will be alright ;) Still keeping my fingers and toes crossed that after the bloodbath, we are heading for the moon :)

I definitely appreciate your perspective. It's so true that we really don't know what the future holds but one thing I know is that I believe in decentralized solutions and that the crypto community is full of lovers of freedom and we're uniting like never before. Onward and upward, through the fog!

Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing....
Ur absolutely correct---no "matter" what happens- even if my portfolio goes to zilch.
The cryptomarket has cultivated a new way of living/thinking....eye am for ever GREATful for the skills and emotional strength eye have been able to gain from the experience.
Eye am Living a different life that eye never could have imagined- and quite frankly- it's about FREEdom

nice post
follow me & upvote

exactly what I wanted to hear at this time :)

I think we've been around the block enough times now that at least some of us can avoid panic. Just gotta keep calm and Steem On.

Definitely next wave of bloodbath is on the way, charts are still overbought looking at daily MACD.

IMO,I would wait till BIP148 with any buys ...

People goes crazy because these last decades are the decades of immediacy. Don't rush, just sit down and relax. Then watch the cryptocurrencies graphs ;)

We could go a lot lower before we resume the up. Btc dominance will return

We still got a ways to go, both ways!

"Yawn. Welcome to reality." < for sure. Ups and downs always occur in the markets (of any kind). I see this time as the best opportunity to get Crypto on sale!! WhooHoo

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

My portfolio is small, worth around $20,000 usd in various coinage, I've lost around 4,000 so far but I've been at this less than a year and I'm use to the ups and downs. I have built up my portfolio through posting rewards from the $5.00 steem and sbd that Steemit gave me when I first joined and along with some hard work here on Steemit the currency I've earned and traded for other cryptocurrency currencies to diversify my portfolio and I cannot complain. Keep on steeming!

Yo Rok! Appreciate this post at a time when it's needed most. Chill the fu** out, and remember, be yourself, because nobody else does it better -- Full #Steem ahead @rok-silvante :)

Much ❤

This is a great read and I really appreciate the positive outlook. You're right, with any investment there will be ups and downs and the crypto market sort of "does this" during the summer months. I've been so blessed since crypto came into my life, so blessed in fact, that I don't even have time to think negatively about it. As you said it's time reflect, collect, and strategize for the next cycle. Stock up!

Now it appears the market is spring-loading itself for a bounce-back. The farther the bow is pulled back the farther the arrow flies. If what has already happened is an indication of the future I can't wait for what comes next.

If the bubble pops and it all goes away there will be something else because that's how life is. There's always something else if you're not blinded by trying to force results in the same old way.

great post. i appreciate this post

Who let the bears out? :)
Well said, let's see how this works out.
During the years flirting with crypto I've learned so many usefull things, applicable outside crypto word, that outweighed losses.
Some chill music to to wether the storm:

if you´re in this long enough, eventually you´ll kind of get used to the ups and downs and just get bummed out if you don´t have enough fiat to reinvest :)

The question is more - what next? What do we do with all that knowledge, the skills? Also, how do we use this money (in case it doesn´t evaporate to 0)? Are there alternatives?
Hold what you believe in. Sell into something you believe in if you don´t (sssshshitcoins) - actually, just don´t buy into anything if you don´t believe in it in the first place. And we´ll all be fine! As @rok-sivante says - most of us have gained so much more out of all this already than just money.

Hhaahahahahaha BAM!
Well said!

I have been saying a similar thing this week to quite a few people. In fact I have been saying this is actually good for us because this is when all the people who are not truly dedicated will be filtered out.
Love your blunt honesty and confidence!

Metal Token , wow ....

it's shopping time today!

@rok-sivante you are spot on as usual. Another fine read. If you claim to be an investor and dont educate yourself on cycles you are missing the key to the door and get left outside in the dark. Investing in this space at this time should be easy on the nerves. If you believe like I do, that we are still near the beggining of this market; aquistions should be made to hold for expected growth. The ever popular phrase HODL should be tattooed on our forheads. Think long term and give your emotional fortitude a rest from the week to week, month to month sloshing of funds.

Favorite quote: "Shit be gettin' real in these markets." Lmao... Classic!


Repeat after me - "We're in it for the long haul" - because one day everyone will be using blockchain technology for public transactions and billions of people will need Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Tezos or whatever to transaction trillions of dollars of business, contracts, property rights and information transfers every single day.

While private entities may try to annex use of blockchain just like cryptopgraphy, the Internet and other tech - it's out there now. The Pandora's box of blockchains is open now (thanks Satoshi, whoever you are) and ain't nothing going to put it back again.

So sit back and enjoy the ride, diversify your portfolio so you have a few thousand (or whatever you can afford) in the key blockchains, and keep your eye out for promising new-comers like EOS, Tezos etc. or whatever blockchain based apps you feel like supporting such as distributed exchanges, DAOs, prediction markets or hey, even spam blocking. Then be patient.

Remember how long it was since the first very public Bitcoin "bubble"? BTC at $1200 USD and then crash all the way back to $200. OMG, it's all over. Bitcoin is done, it's history! Completely forgetting that only months before BTC was in double digits. Then fast forward a few years and were at BTC just shy of $3000 and ETH at over $400 up from $1 just 18 months ago. Even when they crash now there are still billions, yes billion, invested in them and BTC and ETH based ICOs.

All I can say is once again "We're in it for the long haul because you ain't seen nothing yet!"

You only loose when you sell now. Keel cool and keep your coins.

And now look where we are...

Your post is interesting.
I like your post.👍
Btw, best regards me for you, happy if I have many friends in steemit including you.

Thanks. 💐 Follow me @riskimauliza 😏💐😎