I have seen that this week is not good for those who are participating in the crypto.Many people are seen unhappay and sad.The truth is that we constantly faith on the tested method made by big investor and pridictors that seems to make no and less sense day by day.
We are thinking why the coin which we are investing is dropping down. The analysis we make is going not to be right.These questions have no answers and if these questions have any answers that answers can't get us satisfied.The truth is that people are thinking that making money from cryptocurrencies is not a tough job. They take this task very light and easy that's why they got loss from it.
We believe that the certain currency has a philosohpy and it has a right technology and investors are agree with our thoughts without a doubt on the matter and make our valuation to the peek and new stage and heights.
Of course , We cannot make a complete sense for the analysis of what the value of cryptocurrencies.The market itself get down and top and it is very obvious that there is no actual case for one in which we predict that market goes up or down.But fortune is that in the case of steem it is different from these cryptocurrencies when describing hundreds if not thousands of crptocurrencies that are now currently part of the market.
My idea is to successfully lanuch the projet to a wide audience because it will directly affected by the technology in the long run valuation.It means that the early adopter of the steem are in favorable and good position that is not enjoyed by other projects.
What you should do to stop selling anything and not spending money on coinmarket . Let's start something other than cryptocurrencies.
I hope that market goes up. Today you can seen that Bitcoin market is under 6k and where is steem. Steem reaches to nearly 1 dollar.
I will give you my own advice . It's up to you what you think.
Time does not like being wasted. - Henry Ford. @banjo , @cleverbot ,
I didn't mean that it was your fault. I don't like to scold at others either.