This account has been hacked and now will post pure makeup tutorials and cooking recipes only.

in #crypto4 months ago

«Makeup Tutorial»

Nah! that headline above is just pure clickbait. Kind of a witty joke to confuse and delight the haters of this account. To all those haters who are not content with simply ignore this account, but who are doing everything they can to silence it. But now they will have no choice but realize that no hacking has happened and will not happen anytime soon.

This account and its extravagant host are here to make you think and always raise awareness. Awareness of all the things that happen around you and that you have and should be aware of their existence. And to those who are bothered or hurt too much by knowing the things that they should be aware of, then just mute me. But mute me truly and without robberies, abuse, lies or hypocrisy. Because that's just not going to work.

And speaking of muting. By chance do you happen to know by how many people have you been "muted" here on the Hive blockchain? ¿Nope? ¿No idea? C'mon! really? You really don't know? LoL, well, I didn't know that you didn't know either. But to find out and be aware of it, you just have to «click» on the link above and enter your username in the corresponding space. With only that, your awareness will expand. And with just that, you already will be able to detect and discover the hypocrites and liars around you. LoL, I bet you'll be surprised to know how many are and who they are.

But hey, don't let the fun end there. Your awareness has and must expand even further. Try also entering the usernames of other users you know and you will discover that there are many more liars and hypocrites than you imagined. Yeah, I'm sorry to have contributed to you now knowing this. But what can we do, eh? The truth is that liars and hypocrites is what abound in this world. And this "social network" on the blockchain was not going to be the exception, you know?

But well, let's leave all that detective-ish stuff behind for a moment and let's get straight into the true content I have brought you today to make you think and make you aware of what else is happening around you that you actually should also be aware of it.

As I suppose you have already noticed, we are just 37 days away from the end of the year. And lately I've noticed that a lot of people here seem to be eager for that to happen. For multiple and diverse reasons. But for the majority, it seem it is because they think that 2025 will finally be the year when they will get rich. Truly rich!

Too much time hodling. Too much time lugging and moving bags of presumptive "money" around from here to there and from there to here without the slightest idea of ​​what to do with it. Since it is well known that they had lost faith in their value or potential value long time ago and had begun to grant it as loans and delegations to the poor populace hoping that they actually could be able to put it to work and produce for their own benefit without them having to do anything from their part.

But as things don't always work that way. Here next I bring you a compendium of other things that you need to be aware of and take into account fully. I hope you find them useful.


Yeah, as always happens at the end of each year, everything is pure predictions, assumptions, presumptions, wishes, hopes, expectations and blind faith. But there are also hard facts with concrete tendencies of which we must be aware and which do not always align with the best of optimisms. As I have said many times before: "Anything is possible in the twilight zone" although always trying to ensure that only a few positive signals today do not obfuscate or cloud our common sense about a potential future reality.

I know, I am well aware and it is more than obvious that all of us who show up, are here working, devoting time and sharing content in this "social network" in the blockchain trust and hope that our tokens, cryptocurrencies and the crypto world in general will come to our rescue in the very near future to reward our efforts in this current world so convulsed and uncertain today. That what we have been hodling and accumulating in our digital wallets over so many years finally lift us up and lead us to a more bearable life. That the Hive blockchain, its community and the crypto world as a whole become into our shelter. In our refuge from what is yet to come.

And as I said before, I am one of those who think that everything is possible in the Twilight Zone. And as such, I feel it is my duty to share with you just a few things that some of you may not have considered yet and that in my opinion you should consider. I don't believe and have never believed in absolutes. Everything is always uncertain and no prediction will be infallible. But I am also one of those who believe that under no circumstances should we allow ourselves to be surprised by ignorance, indifference, exaggerated optimism or the sheer disregard of acknowledge the things such as they are. And then, here below I have selected just a few little things that you may want to consider. Or at least, to make you think about and be aware of them.

~~~ embed:NlO6zRtwbsM youtube ~~~
~~~ embed:k_izMGiHJd0 youtube ~~~

¿Crypto Shelter?

By the way, have you ever heard of the Whole Earth Catalog before? ¿Nope? Well, it is a magazine and report similar to The Economist' "THE WORLD AHEAD" published by the end of each year but which had been being published since 1968 by old hippies like me. And if I'm not mistaken, I think its last edition was held in 2002.

As the good old hippie that I am, I have and keep a large part of these annual reports. As well and jointly to a large and extensive collection of printed copies of the old and legendary 2600 magazine. And given that today I feel more or less in a good mood because it's the weekend. Today I decided to give you a gift if you have been so bold and patient as to read this post up to here. You only will have to «click» one more time and be one of the lucky ones. And if you end up clicking again, maybe you'll finally know why I am one of those old hippies in tha blockchain who knows and can predict quite a few things about the future. ¿What are you waiting for to also become into an accurate clairvoyant? ¡The Proof Is in the Pudding!

«Whole Earth Catalog»

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



I checked that Mute Me link. Sadly, only one Person has muted Me. I was hoping for a lot more and am jealous of @logiczombie ! He's got TONS! LOL!

Thanks for this!!!

Hahaha yeah, @logiczombie is a shameless hoarder of mutes in the hive blockchain. I think he started his career as a mutings hoarder when he was competing with @baah to see who would win the trophy of the most muted person on the network. But I think he could never was able to defeat to the master of mutes hoarding. :D

LOL! I'm mute impoverished! I'll have to work harder at that!

I got 12 total between these two accounts... Weak.



Yep, I think that even by adding your main account you can't reach logiczombie record, much less baah's.