Why you should be cautiously optimistic about cryptocurrencies .

in #crypto7 years ago
  1. There is a huge chance that if governments and bankers will continue to lose revenue and taxes as the technology advances , there will take swift action . Markets will be extremely volatile .
  2. Cryptos still have a mysterious X factor about them : don't invest in something that you don't know about is an old adage but a good one . I'm not saying that cryptos are bad , but it would be safe to say that billions of people still have little or no knowledge about them .
  3. Invest or trade what you can afford to lose without losing sleep .
  4. If you have cash and wealth to invest big in cryptos , chances are you will come out on top if some protective options are put in place.
  5. Everyone is coming out with a new IMG_0816.JPG cryptocurrency almost everyday , all coins are not created equally . Flooding the market with too many cryptos might have a few disadvantages as if a large majority of them are considered worthless and people lose money , Jamie dimon will again say it's a fraud . Get the drift ?
  6. Global acceptance is still slow and distrust still high about the whole concept .
  7. We are challenging the very existence of something that has existed for a very long time , bankers have enormous power and they can flex their muscles at will .
  8. Russia , China , Japan are key markets , once legitimised , USA will be concernced , and this could create other issues .
  9. The agencies will want in , think CIA , NSA , Mossad . Blockchain offers brilliant technology . I think they are already in to a degree .

Thoughts ?


Billions don't understand the stock market. Does that make it a bad investment?

No , I am not saying that cryptos are bad investments , it's still relatively the lesser known of the 2 ( stock market and coins ) , although I disagree that the share market is a good investment , it's not .. it's an invention by globalist bankers and has limitations , the stock market is the largest contributor of dubious corporate malpractice , insider trading , and the list goes on . BTW , the stock market in its entirety is massive but controlled largely by the wealthy , fund managers etc , so is it a great investment ? Not if you compared to gold since 1945 , stock market encourages corporate bD behaviour , gold is a much more stable investment ( although it has its own volatility ) and is mined !! Just