I'm going to the 6th North American Bitcoin Conference!

in #crypto7 years ago

I can't wait and am super stoked to get to go to the 6th NAMBC and will be my first one! For those of you who don't know, I like to write and travel about cryptocurrencies that I think are great investments based on fact's, current event's, happening's, and extensive research on the latest. I also help people make great crypto investment's because I learn alot of the "insider info" that I learn when attending such conferences. All of them educated opinions.

If you're planning on going, let me know and let's network!

If you're interested in learning about what I know, please check out my post's that I will now be posting here on Steemit besides SeekingAlpha. I have my eye on a couple of new cryptos that I think will be big winners this year.

Visit my website for consult services: www.bitginner.com

Follow to gain some valuable perspectives on rising crypto's. Follow on twitter @bitginner_ (https://twitter.com/bitginner_) stay up to date on the latest cryptocurrency new's world wide.

About me:

Follow my official twitter @migueuee and stay tuned Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguel-angel-gonzalez-519b24149/

Hope to make 2018 a great one!